18. Long Days

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Ed still hasn't wake up yet. It's been 3 days. He still looks so sick, he keep sweating, his breath is irregular, but his condition is getting better each day, makes me relivied. 11:11pm and wishing him to awake. Nobody can stay with him here, maybe his parents can taking care of him but I don't know if Ed let me to tell his parents or his family about this. Because, if I was Ed, I won't let Ed tell my parents about this and I'll just pay for everything, I have enough money that I saved. He keep gets a phone call about the gigs, I picked it up and I keep said he is hospitalize. I just want Ed to be healthy again, and turn into the Ed in daily life. Doing gigs, late night phone calls with me, Nando's, late night movies, everything we like to spend together. And now all I can do is watching him sleeping for days, wishing him to wake up.

* * *

- Author's Point of View -

Alice fell asleep beside Ed at 2am, she felt so tired because she hasn't sleep since yesterday. She really wanted to keep staying in here yet she have school. She back to here when school day is over, sometimes she went to her house first to bring something and then go back to here. And sometimes her brother Alex or maybe her best friend Nina come to Ed's room to stay with Alice.

Slowly Ed opened his eyes, and realizing someone sleeping beside him with her arms crossed over the bed and her head above it. Ed tries to get up, even though it's still hard for him. But he made it, he sat on the bed, watching Alice sleeping beside him, she snores. Feeling something moving, Alice awake from her sleep. Seeing the guy she waited to wake up is finally awake. Alice rubs her eyes to make is Ed really awake or she's just dreaming, but it's real.

"I'm sorry." He said, smiling. Alice starts to crying. She hugged him.

"You're freaking me out. I'm sorry." He hugs back.

"Sorry for freaking you out." He still can't speak loudly, his voice is hoarse. Sometimes he coughs. Alice can feel his heartbeat, weak heartbeat, she doesn't want to feel his heartbeat anymore so she took off her arms from him and letting him to lie down again.

"Ed, should I call your parents?"

"No, please don't. I don't want them to worry, I'm ok. I'll be ok."

"Ok, whatever you said."

* * *

The nurse come when Alice calls her. She stood up and when she was about to open the door, Ed asked her,

"Where you gonna go?" He asked, weakly.

"Gonna buy foods, a bit hungry. I'll back soon." She smiled and then go, leaving the sick Ed and the nurse in the room.

* * *

- Alice's Point of View -

Omg, Ed is awake. Ed is awake after 3 days long. Waking up with Ed Sheeran sat beside me. Watching me asleep because of waiting for him to wake up. The thing that I've been waiting for the most.

Slowly my daydream blurred and start to hear a car horns. I almost hit the car, gladly I'm not. I need to focus, yeah. McDonald's isn't far anymore. But God finally, I can see his blue eyes again.

* * *

I get to the hospital again after I bought McDonald's and Starbucks for breakfast, even it's too early for breakfast, I don't really care, I'm just so hungry, I didn't have dinner last night.

I opened the door, and I saw Ed ain't sleeping, he's just playing his phone on the bed.

"Trouble sleeping?" I said, putting down foods and drink I bought on the table.

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