25. Our Last 9 Days

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Tuesday, 22nd July, 2008


- Ed's Point of View -

"We still have about a month nor less to spend it together." I said, drinking my chocolate milkshake we ordered here, as she ordered the vanilla one. I actually a little bit nervous about this. She already accepted in the uni she wanted to --and I'm proud of that--, but I'm a bit scared about what will happen when we split up, but it doesn't mean that we break up. By split up I mean we're in different places, and far. Example, she's stay here in UK enjoying her uni moments, where I'm doing gigs in different places, or overseas. I already a little bit popular right now I can say, and that's what I'm worrying about. I don't want to lose her.

"I know. It's hard." She sighed, drinking her vanilla milkshake just like I did. I can see the desperate in her green eyes clearly. I have to make sure that it will be okay, but I know it may be won't be okay. Life is just like roller-coaster, man.

"But we can meet up again when we got days off when it happens." I replied.

"'it' what?" She asked back. She looks really desperate, but this is the only way, I can't do anything no more.

"That.. Um.. You and I.. Uh.. Split up.. It doesn't mean that we broke up! It's just, you know. You're in uni, and I could be doing gigs everywhere, as you know, I already a bit popular. But I love my job. And this is hard." I sighed. We sighed so much.

"Oh.. Yeah. It might be a long time, uh?" I hate how I watch her sad like that.

"No, I mean, yes, it could be a long time. But at least we can meet again." I'm trying to calm her down and make her aware that everything is will be alright. "But we still have a month to hang right? We can do anything we want in this one month, before you go to uni for the first time." She kept quite. I don't know what's in her mind, and maybe I never will if I don't ask her. But I should not.

I glanced at her while I'm just stiring my milkshake and I found her that she was turned her head to the back, I'm trying to find out who is she looking at, but then she turned her head fast to the front, blushing.

And now she acted different.

"Let's just search for some air." She said, smiling at me.

* * *

We arrived at my apartment room just to chill out because she was tired. I actually happy that we can just chill here, on the sofa, because this is just so perfect. I can lie down on the sofa with her, cuddling, watching movies, eat fajitas, and stuff. It's a perfect date than go to the cafe, it's just looking for problems.

"Just sit, you're tired, innit?" I said, pleasing her to sit on the sofa while I'm taking her water.

"I actually just want to be with you, with nobody else around us." She said, making me blush instantly.

"I know. Me too." I smiled, hand her a glass of cold water. I sat next to her, leaned backward against the back of the sofa, still not sure if she was really said that, because I can hear there's something behind those words. It's like there's somebody else in the words, somebody else related.

She rested her head on my shoulder, "One month would be like 1 week." She said, sighed.

"I guess so."

"So, where will we going?" She asked, looking right to my eyes.



"I have gigs. I'm sorry." I throw my gaze away from her. I actually want to ask her to join me touring next month, for two months straight. Even though she'd join me, it will only last about 2 weeks, she have to prepare for everything before she goes to college on 20th. And I also have to prepare to be without her for a long time.

"But.. I can go with you on tour for a few weeks before I go to college right? Isn't that a wicked idea?!" She sounds so excited, but, this is not what I'm talking about. This is not what I meant. She doesn't understand, she hasn't catch my words. The meaning of my words.

"You'd get tired. You don't have to. At least you have to go to college after it, right? I don't want to ruin your first day of college."

"But Ed that'll be fine I-"

"I want you to join me, but, I don't want this to ruin everything you already dreamt to be. At least we still can facetime-ing or something right?"

"Yeah. That'd be fine."

"Let's spend our last 9 days."


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