Heart Burning

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Author: Mimi (miyoungwon)

Jongin isn't really the jealous type. He has never been the jealous type actually. From his experiences with his old girlfriends and even boyfriends, he has never once been jealous, overly or not. So that's probably why his relationships don't actually last.But seeing Kyungsoo up in the air with Chanyeol hugging and lifting him from the back makes everything in Jongin fume. He sees the adorable smile Kyungsoo has on and it angers him that his smile wasn't because of him. He frowns and furrows his eyebrows. He isn't supposed to be standing next to Chanyeol anyway. Jongin grits his teeth and stomps his way over to Taemin.When he arrives next to Taemin's side, Taemin arches an eyebrow and leans closely to his ear."Whoa man, you're fuming. Everything alright?" Taemin whispers to him."Yeah man," he replies trying not to glare at every single person he sees, "Everything's just fine."Jongin looks at Kyungsoo's way, his stare burning holes on Chanyeol's head. Stupid Chanyeol. You're supposed to be with Baekhyun, not Kyungsoo! He doesn't look at Taemin until he hears a light chuckle."Jealous, are we?" Taemin has this grin plastered and Jongin feels like spitting at his face."I'm not jealous." Jongin replies and clenches his hands to a fist. Jongin feels like laughing. Him. Jealous? Please. Jongin is never jealous. There is no jealousy in his vocabulary. Jongin and jealous simply do not come together. There is no such thing. It is absolutely impossible."Damn, I could practically see the smoke coming out from you from a mile away." Minho comes over and tells Jongin.But others think differently.-Jongin is so not jealous. He doesn't mind the interactions between the other guys and Kyungsoo. He really doesn't. But somehow, every time he see Kyungsoo and Chanyeol together, it makes him really angry.It really doesn't help when just after the concert, Chanyeol drags Kyungsoo everywhere and touches him continuously and he swears that Chanyeol's hand hasn't ever left Kyungsoo's body. Chanyeol touches Kyungsoo's arm, his hand, his face and his neck and everything drives Jongin insane."I'm supposed to be the only one who get to touch his neck." Jongin mumbles from the back seat looking at the two glaringly. Sehun lightly punches him on the arm."Dude, shut up. I'm trying to sleep here. Complain later." Sehun mumbles lazily and shifts his position, leaning on Luhan's shoulder. Jongin fights back with a kick."Ouch!" Sehun yelps and glares at him. "Sheesh..." he mutters."Come on, Jongin. Be nice," Luhan tells him while petting the head of the grumpy maknae. "Stop being so jealous." He says, looking at the laughing Kyungsoo with Chanyeol and back at Jongin."But I'm not jealous!"-"Hyung," Jongin starts off as he paces back and forth in the living room, "Does Kyungsoo like Chanyeol?" He says to Joonmyun who's flipping through the channels in the dorms boringly. The rest of the members are out practising or on a stroll except for Minseok and Yixing who are in the rooms sleeping."What are you talking about?" Joonmyun says with a yawn. He lands on the cooking channel and looks at it with interest for a couple seconds and lays the remote on the couch."You know what I'm talking about!" Jongin replies feeling frustrated. He's even pouting, Joonmyun sees from the side."I actually don't.""I'm asking you if Kyungsoo likes Chanyeol hyung or not!""Isn't he your boyfriend? Why would he like Chanyeol." Joonmyun shifts his gaze to Jongin now, not caring what the chef is cooking on TV though he would really like to learn that recipe."He is but...""Then I think you should trust him." Joonmyun says simply.Jongin trusts Kyungsoo. He really does but he's been so close with Chanyeol recently it's just making him feel so...stressed. They giggle over ever little thing they could possibly find, all those disgusting little touches, the inside jokes that Jongin finds hard to figure out, the knowing glances - everything makes him want to puke."It's just that they're really close these days. Especially with that back hug incident, I..." Jongin's voice trails off and he looks so sad that Joonmyun has to walk to him and look at him in the eye. He gives him a pat on the back."Listen, can you feel it?""Hyung, if you're trying to be funny it's not working okay just-""No, I'm being serious here. Can you feel it?" He asks seriously."Feel what?" Jongin looks at him, feeling absolutely confused because what is Joonmyun talking about. Sure, the man's not really old or weird but maybe that thought is about to change."The jealousy that is flowing in your veins, your arteries.""What-""Can you feel the jealousy inside of you, Jongin?""Hyung," Jongin looks at him with annoyance, "For the thousandth time, I'm not jealous!"Joonmyun chuckles and he sits down on the couch. He clasps his hands together and thinks for a while."I think that's your problem." He declares."My problem...?" Jongin's voice trails off and he tilts his head to the side."You're in denial." Joonmyun lays back and crosses his arms. At this moment, he does seem like a therapist for a certain greened eye monster. He might consider being one maybe when he gets older, or maybe he'll just be a personal one for the other ten guys in the group.Jongin looks at him weirdly and scoffs."I never get jealous." Jongin claims, feeling stubborn and ready to wreck down all those accusations of him being jealous."He's your boyfriend, it's normal." Joonmyun looks at him, arms still crossed and instead of a serious facial expression, he looks rather amused instead. It's amazing how strong Jongin is trying to dismiss all the claims of him being jealous. It is definitely not an accusation, Joonmyun thinks. It's a fact."My previous relationships, I, I've never been jealous before. It has never happened!" Jongin practically yells at Joonmyun's face, though he really doesn't mean to."And they never worked out.""But that's because the rest were never-""Kyungsoo. The rest were never Kyungsoo."Jongin stares at him, eyes wide open and he could hear the loud and rapid beating of his heart and the muffled sound coming from the television.Joonmyun sighs and stands up, walking to Jongin. He stops at his left and places a hand on Jongin's right shoulder patting it twice."Maybe it's because you really want to keep your relationship this time." Joonmyun says to him and shuffles to a room, mumbling, "I'll go and disturb Yixing now."He leaves Jongin alone in the spacious living room, the sound of the air-conditioning wheezing, the muffled voices from the television and the sound of the door unlocking. He snaps back to reality and turns his direction to the door. There are muffled sounds just outside and when the door swings open, he sees Chanyeol and Kyungsoo together with bright smiles on their faces."Hey man." Chanyeol walks in first and greets him with a grin.Jongin gulps and clenches his fists into a ball. Kyungsoo shuffles in the dorm a few seconds later, smiling widely at him."Hi Jongin." Kyungsoo greets him and the smile on his face makes his stomach churn."Hi, hyung." He says and the tip of Jongin's tongue tastes bitter somehow.-There's an event the next day and Jongin tries to avoid Kyungsoo and Chanyeol before the event starts. He's awfully quiet in the car, also backstage. He takes notice though that Kyungsoo is wearing one of the shirts he's worn before. It makes him grin but the grin doesn't last long.When they arrive, Joonmyun heads out first and one by one they descend the car. Jongin follows Kyungsoo but he keeps a slight distance. They head to the backstage, he could hear the sound of their fans, screaming, cheering though it's not as loud as they're far.He looks at his side to find Kyungsoo fiddling with his shirt, looking slightly nervous. Jongin knows that Kyungsoo still gets nervous, no matter how many times they've practised or performed, the nervousness always happens to he with Kyungsoo. And every time, Jongin finds himself reassuring Kyungsoo. Like now.He walks over to Kyungsoo though a bit hesitant."Nervous?"Kyungsoo looks up and smiles at him sheepishly before noding slowly."Like always."Jongin moves closer to Kyungsoo and he takes note of their height difference. It's not as fans say, cute. He's not as tall as Chanyeol so Kyungsoo could fit perfectly but somehow he fits too. Perfectly even. Jongin studies Kyungsoo's face, his face looks angelic, soft and boyish features, red bright lips and Jongin feels the need to come closer.When he does come closer, successfully freezing Kyungsoo in his spot, he stops just a centimetre away."What did I do to deserve you." Jongin mumbles and looks into his eyes. Kyungsoo's face quickly turns bright red in colour."W-what is that supposed to mean?" Kyungsoo splutters adorably, his limbs flailing a little. Flustered Kyungsoo is surely an adorable one. Jongin smiles at him and commands Kyungsoo to stay in his place."Jongin...?"Jongin walks to Kyungsoo's back and he slips his arms to Kyungsoo's waist, locking both of his hands together and he tucks his chin on Kyungsoo's shoulder. He breathes in Kyungsoo's scent. It's vanilla and completely intoxicating."W-what are you doing?" Kyungsoo mumbles, his face feels hot and Jongin could feel the warmth radiating from his face."I feel so stupid," Jongin starts off quietly, hoping that no one could hear their conversation, hoping that to the rest they can only hear hushed whispers and he could hear the confusion is Kyungsoo's huh. "I've been jealous recently.""Jealous? But you never get jealous." Kyungsoo says softly, his hands holding Jongin's and his thumb caressing Jongin's cold hands."I've always thought that too." Jongin takes a deep breath. "But these couple of days have showed me otherwise. I guess I really want you all for myself." Jongin looks up at wide smiling Kyungsoo, his eyes in crescent shapes and his lips, completely distracting."So you've been jealous, huh?" Kyungsoo says and drums his fingers across Jongin's hands."I have.""Why though?" Kyungsoo looks at him with his really big eyes and damn, if they weren't public they would've kissed already."Because of Chanyeol." He says simply and Kyungsoo gets it immediately. He laughs for a bit, the sound melodic to Jongin's ears and he hopes to hear the sound forever."We're just friends. He showed Lion King recently because Baekhyun wouldn't want to watch it with him and we've been talking about that for the past couple of days." Kyungsoo explains, grin on his face and he looks amused now rather than flustered."Oh." That explains the air lifting. (It's still considered as a back hug for Jongin.)"Mhmm." Kyungsoo looks in front of them, the staff pacing back and forth, being busy with whatever they're occupied with at the moment. "But why are you hugging me from the back?" Jongin gives a sheepish smile to Kyungsoo."Because I want to kiss you," he blurts out honestly and Kyungsoo turns bright red again, "but I can't so I have to settle with this.""EXO-K! Ready in 5!" One of the staff calls after them. The rest of the members line up in a line and Jongin lefts go of Kyungsoo even if he doesn't want to and joins the line."Nervous?" Jongin asks with a smile."Not anymore." Kyungsoo replies. Jongin squeezes Kyungsoo's hands before flashing an apologetic smile at Chanyeol and the giant grins, understanding about his behaviour for the past couple of days. In the count of 5, all six of them go to the stage, all bright smiles and energetic waves.Being jealous is a sign of love, Jongin thinks before they start singing to 'History'. Being jealous is normal when you love someone, when you want to spend your whole life with someone. It's surely a sign of love and just a few seconds before he sings, he asks Kyungsoo in his head and then he starts singing his line, making his question audible:"Listen, can you feel it?"
And Kyungsoo responds in his head.

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