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(The pic is her and her wolf)

Name: Sarah Grace Tyler
Nickname: None...yet. Only 'Princess' by her father
Wolf name: Izze
Favorite color: Gold and silver
Hobby's: Singing, writing, reading, and drawing
Age: 16
Birthday: October 5th
Friends: Mariah: ( Wolf: (
Mom: She died
Dad: James Fred Tyler
Sister: Tristan Elizabeth Tyler
Mate: No one...yet
Year of Running: First on October 1st
Finishing date: October 5

Hi, I'm Sarah I've got no nicknames. Mariah is a family friend. My pack, Sundown Thirst, is very different and our leader is Luna Jefferson and she is a very respectful of the environment and she is very formal. My mother died when I was seven. We were in our house on Christmas and the rouges came and killed almost everyone who was staying at our house for the night, in closing my mother. I watched her die. I watched the light go out if her eyes at the hooded rouge bit into her neck and scratched until her neck was almost disconnected from her body. I've been having nightmares ever since. Tomorrow is The Running. The Running is a race were the female of the pack run to the end f the territory while trying not to get caught by the males. When the male catches the girl, he brings them back to his house and e girl has to stay there for a month. If the girl doesn't choose the boy to be her mate she gets to go the next year, hoping that she will find her one true love. I've gotten many mean nicknames from my enemy, Chelsea like "the lone wolf" and many other I would not like to name. I have to admit that it is clever. Well I've got to go pack. Bye!

Sarah The Moon WolfWhere stories live. Discover now