The Consiquence

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     The next morning I wake up to the smell of bacon and I shoot up to of the bed not even caring that I haven't changed yet, and then I walk out to the kitchen. The smell thickens and I walk faster until I reach the kitchen. "Morning sleeping beauty." A familiar dirty blonde boy says from the stove. "Morning flirt." I say, pecking him on the cheek. "I'm making bacon." He says slyly. "Yep, I know. And you probably know that you woke me up with your bacon making." I say a little annoyed. I like my sleep.

     "Yeah, I think that was the only way to wake you up." He says. "I could think of some more ways..." I say smirking. Alex looks at me smirking and then he looks back at the pan. I sit down at the near counter stool, lean my chin on my hand, and stare at Alex lovingly. He just pissed me off because he woke me up purposely, but I'm still loving him unconditionally.

     Alex seems to have noticed me staring and he turns all the way around with the pan in his gloved hand and he furrows his brow questioning me. I shrug, embarrassed, and walk towards him to take the sizzling pan away before he drop the pan. He lets he take the pan away and opens his mouth to say something right before I grab the pan, not using the handle.

     I feel a burning sensation in my hand and I look down at my burning palm, yet I still hold onto the pan. I hear nothing but I can see Alex screaming at me. Realization hits me like a bullet and I scream and drop the pan on the floor. I feel all the pain in my hand and my eyes water. Everything was a blur but now I can hear again. "What the hell?! Sarah!" Alex yells and grabs my wrist forcefully. The maids all rush into the room and all the commotion hurts my ears and I rush into the closest bathroom.

      The cold rushing water from the faucet makes everything feel better but the burn still stings really really bad. Must be a 3rd degree burn. Crap I'm gonna have a bad scar. Evelyn, the nice maid I met at the meeting, rushes into the bathroom with ointment and a cold towel. I bite my lip and I see Alex slipping into the bathroom and he cringes at the sight of my hand. He looks up at me and sees all the pain in my eyes then he rushes out and hold my tear stained face in his hands.

    "Look at me." He whispers. Evelyn works on my hand as I stare into Alex's dazzling brown eyes. Evelyn does something to my hand and I whimper quietly. My eyes fill with tears and she spreads the ointment over all the blisters on my hand.  A couple tears leak out and Alex wipes them away with his thumb and makes me look back up at him. "At me. Look at me." He whispers. "How can I look away?" I whisper. He smiles and kisses me. It feels like tiny little angels are putting their amazingly soft wings on my lips. I feel so much better. Alex breaks the kiss and I frown a little at the loss of his lips.

       "You're done. Keep the bandage on for a while." Evelyn says and gets up from the stool. "Thanks you Evelyn." Alex says not breaking eye contact with me. I can see her from the corner of my eyes. She smirking and probably thinking how cute we are. I use my uninjured hand and give her a thumbs up. She smiles and walks out of the bathroom. I look back at Alex and he hugs me.

       "What we're you thinking?" He asks. "I've got no clue. It was like I was to shocked to move." I say. I've got no idea what was I was thinking. "Well, don't do it again." Alex says softly. "We've got to go find Brad soon." I say. Alex rolls his eyes. "Yeah, but we can wait a few more days right? I mean it's pretty fun just you and me...and the house..." He says smirking. "Oh sure. It's fun but you know Mariah is still here and she's standing in the doorways right this second." I whisper. Alex spins around and I smack him on the butt and go off running. "You are soooo gonna pay for that!!!" Alex calls after me. He's a fast runner. I wonder what my consequence is...


Sarah The Moon WolfWhere stories live. Discover now