The Meeting and The Moose Attack

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      "Hello, Sarah, it's a pleasure to meet you." Someone said from behind me. "It's a pleaser to-" I stopped. Alex was standing behind me and was laughing his face off. "You are going to be great for mom." He said through fits of laughter. "You scared me." I said. "You've got to admit. It was funny." He said. "Fine it was funny but I'm on alert." "And you should be." Someone said. "Alex is that- Oh! Luna Jefferson! It's a pleasure to meet you." I said happily. I saw Alex hitting his lip to make sure he doesn't laugh. " The pleasure is all mine. What is it deary?" She asked him. "Oh...nothing..." He said. They hugged just like my family did and I saw the light in Alex's eyes sparkle. "Look how beautiful you look! You are quite formal for a teenager. And you'll do great as our new Luna." She said. I blushed and so did Alex. We shook hands. "So..." Luna started. "This is our soon to be Luna Tyler." The crowd applauded and I smiled and I guess everyone was waiting for a speech. "Thanks you for inviting me to this meeting. Um..." I couldn't figure out anything else to say so Alex saved me. "Please introduce yourself sometime over dinner." He said. "Thank you Alex. You make eat." Luna said. Alex pulled the chair out for me. "Thanks, You saved me butt." I said. "I'm glad I did." He said. We laughed but I could feel a blush creeping up onto my face.
     I met a blonde girl named Evelyn and she turned out to be from the Duskfall pack. "What pack are you from?" She asked. "Sundown." I said and gulped down the rest of my POG juice. She laughed. "I've never met a Luna who gulps." She said. We laugh and laughed. "What?" Alex asked. "I gulped." I said through my fits of laughter. "Wha-" he started but then just broke out laughing. Soon the whole table was laughing, even Luna Jefferson. "Well this was a splendid feast. Thank you all for coming and I hope you all got to meet Sarah." She said. "Goodbye Luna!" We all cheered. I'm starting to like this pack more and more.

       "Morning! Rise and shine!" Someone said. They picked me up and swung me over their shoulder. "Alex! I'm still sleeping, five more minutes." I groaned and laid my head down on his shoulder. "I've got something to show you." He teased and walked down the hall. I opened my eyes. "Really?" I asked. Light filled my eyes. "Whoa!" I breathed. The sunroom was so bright and beautiful. It was like a fairy tale. "I know right." He said. "My mom bought it after my dad died in that rouge attack." "Oh..."I trailed off. 'Our parents died the same way at the same house.' I though. "What?" He asked. "I just, um...out parents died together." I said sadly. "That's ok, we can get through our grief together." He said. We sat down on a pink love seat. "yeah!" I said happily. "Well, I love this place." "Me too. It's also a garden." He said and grabbed my hand. We walked through the garden in silence. Beautiful silence though. Something's are just too perfect to think it would become real. But mine just did. :)

     Alex and I were on a hike. I changed into a better outfit before going. We were walking down a trail in our wolf form when something happened. The ground shook and the fallen leaves rustled. "Sarah!" Alex yelled. I turned my head and found a huge pack of moose bounding our way. "Follow me!" He yelled. We sprinted towards a medium sized log and ducked behind it. The moose leaped over it easily. Alex tried to pull me in farther but it was too late. One moose leaped short and its huge hoof hit the side of my head. I fell to the side. "Not again." I groaned and then I blacked out.

     "Why is it always me?" I groaned and sat up on my bed. "I don't know. I should have given you the inside spot." He scolded himself. "It's fine really. I'm glad it was me not you." I said. "I'm not!" He scolded. I had a ice pack on my head and Alex was rubbing cream on my cheek for the bruise. "How bad is it?" I asked, trying to change the subject. "You look as beautiful as you always do but you have a couple bruises and a gash in your forehead." He answered. "Did you tell your mom about this? Is she busy?" I asked. "No, I haven't talked to her in a while." He said sadly. "I'm sorry." I said and stroked his cheek. He leaned into my hand. "What do we do now?" I asked again. "We wait for tonight but you'll be fine in the morning." He said. "Good! I'm exhausted." I groaned. "And I've got something to show you in the morning." I said. 'I'll show him around the cave.' I thought. "Good. Get some sleep, baby." He said. I fell asleep with Alex's hand on my cheek. A smile creeped onto my face.

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