The Song

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I had told Alex everything and he was holding me while i cried. "Shhhh, it's going to be ok...he didn't mean it." He soothed. "Yes he did. He thinks your a traitor. He has never talked about the attack my whole life so I'm guessing he really hates the alpha family." I cried. "I think he's just jealous. He wants to be the one to get caught by me." Alex said proudly. I giggled. "I bet that's exactly what he's thinking." I said. "Are you ok now?" He asked. "Yeah, why?" I said, confused. "I have to do some paper work. You know like the...stuff..." He said. "Oh, yeah. Go do your thing." I said, encouragingly. "I'll get Mariah to come over." He said and left. I took a deep breath and moved over to my desk. Then I sang.

"Why is my life so complicated?
I should living a life, without a dream
I don't deserve this
I deserve a regular life
But if I earn this,
I'll return this dream to someone else in need
I don't need a dream, to share.
I'm perfectly fine with the life I bare.
I'll earn this dream
I'll earn this dream

I'll be grateful for the life I bare
I'll return to my regular self if that's what I need
I don't need to be queen
But if it what everyone wants
I guess I have no choice
I'm fine with a regular life
But I'll be queen if I need to be

Please help me decide" I sang to myself. The door creaked open. "Man girl! You're in a nut!" Mariah said. I laughed. "I know. But..." I broke out into song again.

I'll be queen!
If I need to be!
I'll live with my love until I go
I don't deserve the chance!
(Mariah's overlapping verse)
"Here's the thing!
You deserve what's right inside
Let your heart choose
Let your mind choose!
What's right for you
You've done many things that make you the queen
This kingdom needs" she sang. A tear rolled down my cheek. "You deserve a better life. Your dad forgot about how to love. He's just sad and a little disoriented without his kids." She said. "Thanks, Mar." I said and laid my head on her shoulder. "I don't know what I'd do without you." I added. "Ok enough about that stuff! Do you know who took Tristan?" I asked. "No, you should text her." She said. "Oh yeah! I almost forgot I had a phone." I said sillily. "Wow! Well, I think Ales is coming." She said and looked anxiously at the door. "What? Do you and Brad have plans?" I asked slyly. "Maybe..." She said shyly. "Really! Spill!" I squealed and pulled her back down on the couch. "I planned a surprise to get Brad and Alex's mind off things." She said calmly but I could tell she was dying to tell me about the surprise. "Oooooh! I need to tell Alex!" I said excitedly. "No! It's mostly a surprise for HIM. He's been pretty down lately." She said. "Ok, but what are we gonna tell him? How will we get him where we need him for the surprise if he doesn't know?" I asked. "We'll tell him we are going shopping." "Ooh. Look how sly you are." I said. "Ha ha, you need to dress up you know." She said. "Oh?" I asked. "You're the eye candy. He won't come unless you come. And I'm hoping he'll like the surprise even more if you look like a dream." She said, knowingly. "Oh, I Get it. I've got a dress in mind." I said and pulled my baby blue puffy dress out of my duffle bag. "Sarah! It's beautiful!" She squealed. "Too puffy?" I asked. "No! It's perfect! Just a little puffy. I love it though." She said. "I got it when you weren't looking in the shop." "Oh! That's what you wee holding!" She said as she felt the texture of the dress. "Where are we going for dinner?" I asked excitedly. "I can't-Oh, I'll just tell you. The Armadillo Club." She said confidently. "HOW DID YOU GET A TICKET!" I squealed and shook her shoulders. "Shhh! Rob got me one." She said proudly. "The one who loves you?" I teased. "Yes, that one. I don't like him though." She said shyly. "He's HOT! Girl you've got to choose." I said and put my hands on my hips. "No! He is but I love Brad." She said shyly. "Good girl!" I said. We laughed. "Anyways, Rob works there." She said. "Oh! Cool!" I said. "Now go get dressed!" She said and pushed he dress into my arms. "Fine, ok. I'm going." I said as I got pushed into the bathroom.

Sarah The Moon WolfWhere stories live. Discover now