The Club

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    After we ate, we laid on the grass and watched the clouds. "The sunset looks beautiful." I said. "Yeah." He breathed. I could tell he was looking at me and not the sky. "Oh stop it!" I flushed. He chuckled and said "But, it's true! You are beautiful!" He said sweetly. "Yeah this's astonishing." I said looking down at my lap. His fingers pull my face towards him. "You're beautiful and gorgeous, all without makeup or dresses." He breathed. No one has ever said that to me. A tear slid down my face and Alex caught it with his thumb. "I...uh...didn't mean to make you sad." He said innocently. I giggled. "No! It's just...not even dad said that to me when I was a kid." I whispered. "He must be blind then." He whispered back. We kissed just as the sun set. "I guess we turned out just like Mar and Brad." I said as we broke apart. "I thought I was the only one to see that" he said and we laughed. "So cute." I said looking at them. "Not as cute as you." He  teased. "Awwwww!" I mimicked him and we laughed again. I love a guys who can make me laugh. "I love you." I whispered. "I love you more." He replied.
     Something moved in the distance. I grabbed Alex's hand on instinct. He squeezed reassuringly and moved towards the movement. ""What is it?" I whispered. Alex froze. I whimpered. "Calm down! It's just me." Brad said as he moved towards me. "Oh! Phew!" I said and pretended to wipe off sweat. "Where is Mariah?" Alex asked as we all sat down. "She went to uh...see the reservations." He stuttered. Something was up. I could tell. "I thought it was a club." Alex said confused. "Yeah, but I guess we need special tickets or something." I said. " I feel dumb." He said. We all laughed. "So what have you two been doing?" Brad asked and he winked. I smiled. "Nothing much."Alex said shyly. Brad chuckled. "Yeah, me too." He said. And we all laughed again. Mariah came running towards us. "Mar, what's wrong?" I asked. "No...Brad...uh.." She stuttered. Brad gave her a glare and she shut up. "Mar. Tell me what's going on." I said. "No! I uh...lets just get going." She said confused. 'What could she be hiding?' I thought. We walked off into the distance. "These shoes are killing me!" I groaned. "Just take them off. I don't mind, I can carry them." "Good idea." I said and slipped the shoes off and carried them. "I've got an extra shirt in my pocket if you want it." Alex said. "Uh... Why do you have a shirt in your pocket?" I asked suspiciously. "Just in case anyone wants to mess. It was filled with bell peppers but I just thought that green beans would work." He said casually. I cocked my head. "What? Wait! That's why there is so much veggies in you drawer! I thought you had a eating problem!" I said. He always keep veggies in his pockets. I never thought that they were weapons. Mariah and Brad started laughing and I guess Alex though that was funny so we all laughed. "I'll take that shirt." "You have shorts under that, right?" Brad asked. "Uh...yes?" I asked. "Well, it is a club." Alex said. "Alex!" Mariah scolded. I giggled. "I'm kidding. I've got shorts on." I said and grabbed the shirt from Alex. I hid behind a tree and changed. ( "This shirt is really funny." I said to Alex. "Yeah, my gave it to me before he died. It's really old but it still fits me." He said proudly. "I see it!" Mariah squealed. "Yippeeeee!" I said back and we ran off to the shiny neon lights club.
     We had our seats, but there was advance floor. "Let's dance!" Mar said. "Sure!" I said excitedly. Once we were on the floor, we started breaking out into Ramon dance moves. "This is so fun!" Alex yelled over the crowd. "I know right!" I yelled. "Yeah! I like this song." He said. Let Her Go by Passenger was on. "Yeah! Me too! I said. We started to slow dance. With his hands on my waist and mine on his shoulders, makes me feel so happy and loved. "I could get used to this." I said. I guess Mar and Brad had the same idea because they were practically asleep on each other's shoulders. "Cutest Couple Dancers!" The DJ announced. Mar and Brad instantly shook awake. "I want some credit." I poured. "Then make this really surprising." Alex said. "Wha-" I was cut off by him. 'Oh.' I thought. "Oooooooohhh!" The DJ said, probably amused. I smiled and pulled back. "Best Unexpected Kiss!" He announced. "Take that Mar!" I bragged. Mar rolled her eyes but smiled. Then one of the favorite songs came on. "We'll be Burning Up Like Neon Lights!" I sang loudly. Alex and I laughed because we both knew it was my third favorite song. Then Mar, Alex, and I shared a glance and then broke out into song. "Neon Lights!" We yell-sang. Then I sang the long note. "LIKE NEON LIGHTS!" I sang loudly. Alex stopped dancing and so did some of the crowd. "What?" I asked. "I never knew you could sing!" Alex exclaimed. "BEST MUSICAL NOTE OF THE NIGHT!" The DJ called. "I guess I can." I said happily. The crowd clapped and then went back to dancing or eating. Mariah gave me a thumbs up and I smiled back. Then two scary looking men entered the club. "Who are they?" I asked Alex. Alex panicked. "Rouges." He whispered. Something shattered inside me. "Oh-No!" I whisper-yelled. "Let's get out of here! They're looking for us!" Alex said. "Mari! Brad! Come on!" I yelled through the crowd. "I can't." She said, scared. "Why?" I said and tried to pull her out. "I love him! I can't leave him." She whimpered. "Wha? I know you do! We'll get him too. Obviously" I said. "The thing is...he's a rouge." She said sadly. "He can't be! I'm his brother!" Alex said angrily. "He got bit when the rouges came to the mansion." She said. "Now, his mind is controlled." I finished for her. "But he's my bro-ther" Alex whimpered. I pulled him into my chest like a mother would do for her son and Mariah explained. "I tried to help him get out of his trance but..." She trailed off and broke out into tears. I couldn't stand there and watch both of my loved ones cry. We needed to get out of the club before all of us turn rouge. "Mar! I'm so sorry but we have to get out of here." I said softly. She sighed and we ran together. "Mar! Watch out!" I yelled and tried to leap to her. She screamed as one of the men leaped at her. I punched him hard in the face while he was in the air and he fell on his face. "Alex! Come on!" I yelled and pulled my best friends through the screaming crowd.

Sarah The Moon WolfWhere stories live. Discover now