The Prank

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      I change into a black outfit and start to do my makeup. I open drawer next to my blow dryer and take out my foundation. I add a little white powder in it on my hand and swirl it around till it is a white color. Alex is way to concentrated to know I am gone so I take my time. I apply more and more of it on my face and then I look in the mirror. "Perfect" I whisper. I do my eyeshadow and lipstick and then I'm ready.

     I walk out into the hallway and a few of the maids gasp at me. I look at them with my eyes and they relax and giggle because they are smart and know my plan. I jump into action. Over the counter under the chairs and towards the island in the middle of the kitchen, I go. Alex is busy mixing a sauce for the ribs and I silently grab the pan off the island. I duck, just as Alex turns around to put down the metal mixing bowl. He turns back around and I creep silently towards the open fridge door. Alex goes to close the door and I jump out from behind it.

     Alex screams like a girl and quickly grabs a knife from the counter. He inches towards me with fear in his eyes. He's always been scared of vampires and it was sooooooooooo stupid of me to act like one. I back away slightly. 'I didn't mean for this to go that far' I think. I'm frozen in fear of him and myself. I'm sorta scared of vampires too.

    I panic and put my pan in front of my face, slightly peeking out. Alex stops. "Sarah?" He asks in a small voice and I smile leaving him breathless. "Yeah, Sorry, I just wanted a good scream. And I got what I want-t-ed..." I stutter. "Sarah! The fact that you'd do this surprises me miss 'I'm scared'" he says as I jump into his arms. "Sorry...I'm pretty stupid. But did you hear that scream?" I say and play that one second in my mind. I laugh hysterically. He frowns and hugs me tighter. I gasp a little. The hug tightens even more and I fully gasp. He releases me and says "that's what you get for doing that!" I shake my head and rub my side that he practically crushed.

      "How'd you do-(points at my face) that?" He asks. "The power of makeup." I say smugly. "Can you do me?" He asks and puts his face in a box with his hands. "No, there's nothing I can do to make you more handsome..." I say, quietly and look down. "Awww... You're so cute." He says and brings my face  to meet his lips. I smile into the kiss. We break apart after awhile. "At least I know I'm not kissing a vampire." He says. I giggle and we start to cook again.

    I sautée the mushrooms and put them on the steak as a garnish for the top. Alex drenches the ribs with his homemade BBQ sauce. "Ooooh, that'll be hard to top." I say, sarcastically. "Hey! It tastes way better like this. Plus, it's messy." He says, as if it's making anything better. "Wha-Well I guess ribs are supposed to be messy. But mine is way better looking than yours." I brag. We put our plates on the island and examine each other's. "And the winner is..."

Sarah The Moon WolfWhere stories live. Discover now