The Picnic

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We took the limo to the Picnic area. The picnic was first then we'd go to the club to dance and stuff. "Where are we going?" Alex asked from the seat next to me. We blind folded him so he didn't know where we were going. "You'll find out soon enough, babe" I said. "Fine, it trust you. But do not try anything. I like my eyes open." He said. I smiled. The limo turned a sharp corner and I hit my head on the window with a 'Thud'. I groaned. "Sarah, what was that?" Alex asked. "I...uh...hit my head a little." I said, trying not to get him worried. "Are you ok?" He asked and tried to rub my head but waved in the air instead. I giggled. "I'm over here." I said through all my laughter. "Come'er then." He said. "Nah, I'm good. We are almost there." "Where?" "At the p- I know what you're doing!" I said as I realized I almost gave our surprise away. "So close!" He pouted, defeated. "Ha!" I said and crossed my arms. The limo stopped. "We're hear!" Mariah sang from the front seat. "I know!" I sang, mimicking her voice.  "Don't have to be rude!" She yelled. I laughed and the doors opened. I tried to leap out, but my dress got caught on the door. "Mari!" I yelled. "Coming!" She sang back. "Oh! We'll have to pull it out." "Fine but I don't want to rip it." I said. We tugged on the dress and I fell. "Oof!" I groaned from the ground. "Well that worked. GET UP! We can't have you looking dirty!" She said. "I don't think Alex would mind." I mumbled. I got up and helped Alex out of the car.

     "What now?" He asked as I guided him to our picnic area. "Just wait. We're almost there." I replied. We walked across a ditch at the side of the road and over a hill to our picnic area.  "There! Ok! I'm going to take off the blindfold but you have to close your eyes till I tell you to open" I said. He nods. I gently brush his cheek as I take off the cloth. I ran to my place. The picnic looked beautiful. I could see the other couple kissing behind the tarp. I rolled my eyes at them. Such a good match. "Ok now open your eyes." I said softly. He opens them and   I smiled. "Whoa!" He breathes as he looks at me and the scenery. "You look- Wait you did this?" He asked. "Well, Mariah did most ok it, but I helped with the setting up." I said shyly. "For me?" He asked as he looked around. "Of course! We're going to the Armadillo club after we eat, for some dancing." I said excitedly. "Wow! I've never been" "Well it's pretty high tech." I replied. "Why did you guys do this all?" He asked as he moved forward to the bench. "Mari thought you boys were out of it so we though of something to cheer you up." "Well, I was feeling down. But mostly because I have too much work to prepare for the...and...uh. I was sad because I couldn't spend time with you." He said. 'What had he planned' I thought. "Aww well I assure you, I've been really busy too. Dad uh...I've been trying to figure out what to" I said. "What type of soda should you like?" I asked. "Uh...?" "Oh! I made you're favorite dinner. Pork chops and Cesar salad. I even made French fries." I said proudly. I worked really hard to prepare those. "I had to grow the potatoes!" I said. "Wow! I've never thought you' die the one to grow things." He said astonished. I Laughed. "I've become quite the cooker." I said proudly. "Well, isn't that just splendid?" He said sophisticatedly. "Cheers?" I asked and raised my strawberry soda. He raised his orange soda and we clinked cans. "To a great catch!" He said happily. "To a perfect catch!" I replied.

    After we ate, we laid on the grass and watched the clouds. "The sunset looks beautiful." I said. "Yeah." He breathed. I could tell he was looking at me and not the sky. "Oh stop it!" I flushed. He chuckled and said "But, it's true! You are beautiful!" He said sweetly. "Yeah this's astonishing." I said looking down at my lap. His fingers pull my face towards him. "You're beautiful and gorgeous, all without makeup or dresses." He said. No one has ever said that to me. A tear slid down my face and Alex caught it with his thumb. "I...uh...didn't mean to make you sad." He said innocently. I giggled. "No! It's just...not even dad said that to me when I was a kid." I whispered. "He must be blind then." He whispered back. We kissed just as the sun set. "I guess we turned out just like Mar and Brad." I said as we broke apart. "I thought I was the only one to see that" he said and we laughed. "So cute." I said looking at them. "Not as cute as you." He  teased. "Awwwww!" I mimicked him and we laughed again. I love a guys who can make me laugh. "I love you." I whispered. "I love you more." He replied.

Sarah The Moon WolfWhere stories live. Discover now