The Pool

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      -----Alex's P. O. V-----
"And the winner is..." The maid we asked to judge us says. "Wait! I thought you were supposed to taste them." Sarah says. I'm about to tell her when Lia, the maid, steps in. "Um...well, the maids are not really supposed to eat anything that we don't buy ourselves." She says. Well said. "Oh." Is all Sarah says. I frown, guiltily, because I never really told her about the whole maid thing. "Ok, so the winner is 

---Sarah's P.O.V.---
    "Ok, so the winner is Alex!" Lia announces. "Man!" I say. "Yesss. Who's the man? Who's the man?" Alex chants. I roll my eyes and turn away. "Aww, babe don't be mad. I just made a perfect meal and it was better than yours." He says. I cross my arms. "Well, let's see who's tastes the best." I say. Mine obviously. "Fine. We'll try each other's." He says. I grab my fork and point the fork at the food. "One...two..." I say. "Three!" Alex finishes and we dig in. I throw the fork at the plate and grab the rib with my mouth. Then I rip the meat off the bone with my teeth, not even touching it with my hands. I see Alex out of the corner of eye. He's already finished the whole plate. The rib bond drops from my mouth. "How-?" I ask. "Practice." He says simply and grabs a rib off his own dish. "How was it?" He asks. "Fine. Not the best though." I say. "Yours was actually really really tasty." He says, honestly. "Well, thanks. I think yours could have used some spice and a bit of fries to go with." I say. "Uh...not bad idea." He says. "Thanks so much Lia! That was so fun. I give you permission to take a rib for yourself." I say. Alex looks at me strangely, but nods. Lia looks surprised and happy. "Thank you so much your kind offer but-" "No, no. Sarah's right. You deserve a break." Alex says. I sigh. "If you're sure." Lia says and takes a small bite of her rib. "My goodness Mr. Jefferson! You are a fabulous cook." She complements. "I help him with it." I say. "Yes, she's the cook here." Alex says. I smile and give him a peck on the lips. "You two are so cute." Someone says from  the door. Mariah stands in the doorway with red puffy eyes, but she still has a smile on her face. "Thanks." I say, blushing. "It's the truth. Brad and I were like that, until..." She pauses. I smile sympathetically. "It's ok. You don't have to talk bout it. Want some ribs?" I ask her. "Ya. That'd be nice." She says. "Here." I say and throw a rib into her already open mouth. "Nice catch." Alex says. Mar takes the bone out of her mouth and smiles at him. "Thanks. I've always had a eating problem though." She says. "No you haven't." I say. "Yeah, you were on your trip to Alaska when it happened." She said. "Why didn't you tell me!!" I yell. "Shhhh! You didn't need to be involved. No more pressure." She says. "Fine, but next time tell me." I say. She nods.

     After a whole lot of debating we finally decide to go swimming. "Hey, um. Alex. I didn't bring my own suit." I say. "Neither did I." Mariah adds. "Oh, well you girl should figure that out." He says and goes onto the bathroom to change. "Aie Aie Aie! I can't believe we let him just walk away. I guess we could just go out and buy some." I suggest. "Yeah, good simple idea." She says. I roll my eyes and we go to buy our suits.

    We were walking back towards the mansion when Mariah starts laughing. "What?" I ask her. She nods towards the door and sees Alex standing there with his face messed up looking like a clown. I start to have a laughter fit. Mariah joins me.  Alex looks at us and frowns. "I tried!" He yells. "You tried horribly." I say. Mariah laughs harder. He frowns again and runs at me. "Hey wha-" I'm cut off by his sweeping me off the ground and running around the mansion to the pool. "Alex, you'd better not." I say. He's gonna grown me in. I quickly throw off my shirt and shorts over Alex's shoulder and he runs faster towards the pool gate. "Mr. Jefferson! There is no-" Lia was cut off by Alex zooming in front of her. She was so startled she fell over. I chuckled a little and Alex bites back a laugh. "Almost there." He pants. "Am I that heavy?" I ask sadly. "No, I'm just that out of shape." He says. I laugh. "Three, two, one!!" He screams and throws me into the pool. Water splashes everywhere as I cannon ball into the cool cold water. "Alex! Ya know it's not a laughable joke when I know what your do-" I stop. Where is he? Hands grab my feet and I'm dunked underwater. I got my answer. Alex finally lets go and we are under a waterfall. The water cascades down from the waterfall beautifully and I wonder how long it took for someone to build this. "I wanna show you something." He says and grabs my hand. He drags me under the waterfall and into a beautiful cave. I gasp like he has just proposed. I wish. "" I say. "My dad installed it for me when I was in to rocks." He says. I swim towards the cave's waterfall and Alex joins me on the edge. "It's so beautiful!" I whisper. "Yeah, like you." He says, hoping I didn't hear. But I heard. "Your so sweet." I say smiling. "You heard that?..." He says and blushes. "Yep! And by the way this is where I want my wedding." I say smirking. He blushes even more and I just smile. "I'm just playing with you. Don't worry you don't have to do anything...yet." I say slyly. He shakes his head smiling. "I love you Sarah." He starts. "Wait are you-" I stop. He's going to propose. "I love you so much and I just want to make you mine. I don't ever want to lose you. I guess what I'm trying to say is..." He stops. "What what what!! Tell me! Tell me!" I say. "Will you officially go out with me?" He asks. "Oh...Yeah! Sure!" I say disappointed. "Great, so next Friday?" He asks. I smile a little. "Yeah, Alex this was fun but I really need to go take a...nap." I say. Is he just playing or is he really not going to propose? I can't tell. Guess I don't know him that good anyways. I think. 'You know him as well as I do. He loves you. You wait.' Izze says. "Uh, sure. But we should come back tomorrow." Alex says and I haul myself out of the water and onto the cave floor. "I'll see you later Alex." I say and Alex stares at me watching me leave. I can't believe I really thought he was going to propose. I think again. You just wait. Be patient. Izze scolds me. Maybe just maybe I'll listen to her.

Sarah The Moon WolfWhere stories live. Discover now