The Moon Wolf

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No one says anything. We just sit in silence until Alex speaks. "How...I mean how are you here then?" He stutters. "It was my wish as a moon wolf." She says. "What's a moon wolf?" He asks. "Someone who...why don't we let Sarah answer." She says. 'Me?' I ask myself. "What do you mean? I have no idea what a moon wolf is. I'm not sure I understand." I stutter. "Well, you are one." She says. "How can I be a moon wolf when I don't even know what it is?" I whisper to myself. "I think you do understand. What happens every month?" She says. I shrug. "What about what happened today?" She prods. "I...uh..." I can't put my finger on it. "You turn into you're wolf uncontrollably." She says, exasperatedly. "It's the moon. It possesses you're wolf and it goes crazy." She says. "But-" "no buts. You're a moon wolf just like me. We can heal things." She says and she keeps talking about something but I'm to shocked to listen. "Who in my family gave me this power thing?" I ask myself. 'Mom did,' Izze says. 'I'm sorry I didn't tell you. You were supposed to figure it out in you're own.' She says. I smile 'it's ok, I know you are just following the rules.' I think back. "...that's what a moon wolf is. But the fun part is, when you die, you're soul goes and lives on Earth's moon (or our moon) and lives with all the other moon wolves who have passed. If you do a great deed during your life,you get one wish after you die. Most wolves ask for their lives back but I want to watch you grow up on you're own and help you through your hard times." She says.
'What a good woman.' I think. "I know it's two wishes but I've done some great things and Marvin agreed." Jefferson explains. "Wait! Who's Marvin?" Alex asks. "Well, he's the moon man of course." She says, as if it was obvious. "Don't tell me you're mother didn't tell you about us." She says. "I won't say it but it's true." I say. She gasps. "Well, then you must learn." She says and makes Alex move so I can sit beside her. "Well, one power you have is healing with your voice. So you part of the Music Moon wolf clan." She says. "Wait! There's different groups?" I say. Wow there's so much to learn. "Yep! There's the Musical, Muscle, and Mental Moon Wolf clans. The Muscle Moon wolves have super human strength and the Mental Moon wolves can control minds." She explains. "Oh! I could fit in as a muscle moon wolf." Alex says. "I bet you could, but Brad is a moon wolf. Not you. I'm sorry baby." Jefferson says after a slight laugh. "So there's more of us?" I ask. "Oh, yes. But we are going extinct because of all the rouge attack. Their leader thinks that moon wolves will take over the world when all mankind dies, so they want to be the ones who do that." She says. "Oh, that's why my mother died and that's why they were going for you when they attacked the mansion." I say, but mostly to myself. "Yes, dear. You catch on fast." She says. I smile. That's a new one. "Is there a way I can be part of multiple clans?" I ask. I've been getting stronger from when the Running began and I've have a weird arm strength since I left the house. "It's possible, but it's very rare." She says. "Anyways, are you filled in?" She asks. "Yeah, but how do you know all this?" I ask, curiously. "Let's just say...I'm special." She says and then she vanishes. "I guess that's all the help we get." Alex says. Wait I think I saw another figure behind her after she left. It was a woman. Straight light brown hair. Blue eyes. Thin body. She looks like mom. What if....

"I just, it's just so much to take in." I say and sigh into my pillow. "I know, babe. It's all gonna be ok. We'll figure this out. Actually there's really nothing to figure out. You're a moon wolf and that's it." Alex says to me and strokes my back. "Ya, but I mean. Why didn't mom tell me?" I ask. "She probably didn't want you to go off and hurt yourself on purpose." He jokes. "I'm serious. Why?" I ask again. "Maybe she didn't want you to get hurt, is all I'm sayin." Alex says. I sigh again. "I guess you're right. I just wish she would have told me before." I say. "Yeah,...hey, why don't we play cooking wars?" He asks. "Uh...?" I say. Why cooking wars? "You said you were a good cook! Maybe we can challenge each other." He explains. "OH! Ok. Let's do this. What's the first category?" i ask him. "Um...Maybe Steak? Ribs?" he asks. My stomach growls and Alex chuckles. I blush. "It's not funny! I haven't had a snack since this...uh...yesterday?'' I have to ask myself. Alex laughs and we start cooking. I open the cabinet and pull out a pan. I smirk evilly and run out of the room after setting the pan back down.

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