The Talk

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     We arrive at the mansion and Mariah comes running out of us. She squishes me in a huge bear hug. She moves on to Alex. "I thought you guys died!" She yells. "We aren't dead. I wouldn't leave you." I say. She runs to me again and cries in my arms. "Uh...I don't think this is the right time to tell you guys this but I need to." Alex starts. "Ok...what is it?" Mar asks. "Well, I guess Brad lost his memory because when I challenged the rouges-" "You challenged the rouges?!" I ask, astonished. "Yes, anyways, after I did that he completely forgot that he was my brother and challenged me." "You didn't kill him did you?!" Mar asks. "No! I just made him scared and he ran away." He said defensively. "Oh good." "Did you hit him?" Mar prods. "Um...well he was about to kill me so I kinda had to..." Alex stuttered. "YOU HIT HIM!" Mar yells. "Calm down! I don't want you turning rouge too!" I yell at her and hold her back from hitting him, but she breaks free. "He punched his own brother!" She yells again and backs him up against the railing. "Mariah Grace Perri! GET OVER HERE! Now!" I yell at her. She hates it when I use her middle name. She freezes and shuffles towards me. "He had to. At least he's alive!" I scold her. Mar freezes and I could see tears forming in her eyes. "I know it's hard. We can work through this together. I'm so sorry." I said quietly. I pulled her to my chest and she cries. The I motion for Alex to get the gate. I walk Mariah into the mansion. Her room is quite small and I could see why she will be broken because her boyfriend isn't with her. She's always loved tight spaces. "Let's get you to bed. We'll figure this out in the morning." I say as I pull the covers over her. Then I walk out of her room and I not the hallway. "One down, one to go." I whisper to myself before I open the door to my room. "Alex?" I ask. He's not there, but I know exactly were he would be.

     I walk down to the garden and find him sitting on a bench, talking to his mother. His face is stained with tears and I brush a piece of hair out of his eyes. He look up at me. "I know this probably doesn't help but, I'm so sorry this had to happen." I say. I put an arm around his shoulders and lean into him. "I know, it sucks but, I guess bad things have to happen so the good things come faster. They come for a reason. I just don't know." He says sadly. I smile. 'He is so smart' I think to myself. "I think you're right." I say softly, not wanting to see him cry anymore. "I'm glad you two are so smart." A female voice says. We both turn and see a glowing figure. "Mom?" Alex asks and steps towards the figure. "It's probably you're imagination." I says. The figure brightens and then turns into a solid person who looks exactly like..."Miss Jefferson?" I ask in disbelief. "Yes honey, I'm here." She says and walks over to Alex and hug him. His eyes sparkle just like he did at the meeting and I brighten up too. "I just wanted to see you." She whispers. "Why and how are you here? I thought you were dead...actually I'm sure you are." I say. "It's a long story." She says. "I've got time." Alex says. "me too." I say. We sit in silence until Miss Jefferson speaks. "First off, I am dead."

Sarah The Moon WolfWhere stories live. Discover now