Chapter 4

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Luhan pov

Naeun told me that Chorong is at the park.So,i decided to go to the park to meet Chorong but when i arrived,i saw Chorong talking to someone.That someone is a guy.Wait!This guy is familiar.I look that Mark from Got7?Our enemies?*smirk* how dare you with my girl?They are walking this way.I better hide.I guess they are going to their class.

Chorong pov

I sit on my chair beside Naeun.Naeun looked at me.I weird about that.

"What are you doing actually at the park?"Naeun ask me.

"I just want to blank my mind of thinking something."i said.

"Jjinja?"Naeun ask again.

"Jjinja.."i said.

Then,i saw Luhan going inside the class.He looked at his friends and he looked at me and back to his friends.Why he looks so serious?He didn't even smiled at me.Is something bad happen?

"Unnie.."Bomi called me.

"Ne?"i said and smiled.

"You were with Mark just now,right?"she said.

"Bwo?Ne..Wae?"i said,surprised by what Bomi said.

"Ohh.I just saw you guys just now."she said.

"Ohh..I just talk to him.Just simple talk.Actually,i go to the park just want blank my mind not to meet him.I accidentally met him."i explain.

"Ohhh..Arraseo."she said and smiled.

"Oh yah,i want to tell you that Exo and Got7 are enemies."she said again.

"What?!Jjinja?!"i said,really shocked.

"Yupp..I afraid Luhan saw you with him just now.I afraid."she said.

"Luhan like weird just now when he go inside the class.He even not smiled at me.He just looked at me then looked at his friend back."i said.

"What if he saw you with Mark just now?"she said.

"No!No!No!He can't be.Eottoke?!"i said,worried how Luhan will react to that.

"Unnie,i guess later you should talk to him.Explain to him what happened."she said.

"Yes i should."i said.

Bomi smiled and go back to her seat.I afraid about Luhan.

End of school

I was waiting for Luhan.When he finished,he just walked out.I just froze for awhile.Then,i chased him.

"Oppa!Luhan oppa!Chakkaman!"i shouted but he still walking.

I run until i reached his side and grab his arms.

"Oppa,why are you avoiding me?Something wrong?"i ask,maybe its not because of Mark.

I waited but no response.He was about to walk away but i grab his arms again.

"Oppa!Jjinja wae?Is it because of Mark?at the park just now.Its just as a friend not more than that."i explain to him.

"Also,i didn't expect to meet him at the park.Actually,i just want to blank my mind,to relax my mind ONLY.I don't know that Mark will go there."i continued.

"*sigh*Got7 is Exo enemies.That's why i mad when you with one of them.You talked with other guy and that other guy is one of Got7's member.I hate it."he said.

"Okay.I get it.Forgive me?"i said,making a cute face.

"Hahaha.Arraseo,jagiyaa~"he said and giggles.

"Hehehe."i giggled.


Sorry if its short.Yeah,today is Jin's birthday.Yeayy!!Hahaha.Their comeback just now at music bank!^_^Anyway,enjoy my story :)

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