1. Mission

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Author's note: Hello Minna! I don't exactly know everything what i'm going to write but i think ideas just appears in my head so something is going to happen anyways. I hope you guys like this little story! Arigato! ^-^



It was morning, sunrise was pretty and birds were singing. Natsu woke up in his room. He saw Happy sleeping in the other side of room.

"Happy! Morning!" He said happily. "Are you gonna wake up so we can get a job?" He asked.

"No, Natsu... Let me sleep a little more..." Happy mumbled under the pillow.

Natsu sighed and start looking some food. He ate breakfast and walked to the guild where everyone was normally fighting, laughing and something like that. Natsu walked to Mirajane.

"i'll go check some missions, if you see Lucy can you tell her where i am?" Natsu asked.

Mira nobbed as she gave more drink for Cana. Natsu looked at the missions, he thinked what kind of job will be nice and it have pretty big pay. He scratched his head as he grabbed one paper.

"Hmm... This would be nice, i think..." He talked to himself.

Natsu heard a voice behind him. "You think so?" It was Lucy.

"Yeah... Have a look!" He Gave the paper to Lucy and she started to read.

"the work requested, the fire mage, Celestial Mage, Requip mage, Ice mage. The task calls for strength, wisdom and reasoning ability. come and help quickly because the matter is very urgent. More information can be found in the letter what your master gives to you." Lucy looked at Natsu and sighed. "Plus, The pay is 2 300 000 jewels!" She jumped into the air and screamed.

"That job is ours!" Natsu was so happy. "Okay... Where's ice princess and Erza?" he looked around but they weren't there. "Hmm..." Natsu walked to Juvia.

"Oh, hello Natsu-san!" Juvia smiled.

"Juvia, do you know where's Gray?" Natsu asked.

"Juvia does know where is Gray-sama! Juvia saw him in the early morning walking in the cafe, but don't get it wrong, Juvia isn't stalker or anything..." She told.

"Ok. Thanks Juvia!" Natsu gave a big grin and runned to outside.

"What was that about...?" Gajeel said.

"Juvia doesn't know." Juvia laughed a bit.


I ran as fast i could, looking for Gray everywhere. I ran and ran but i didn't see Gray.

"Where in the heck are ya!" I shouted and panted at the same time.

"What are ya shouting here?" Voice appears next to me.

"Oh, there ya are!" I shouted even louder.

"Oi, oi, Don't scream firebrain!" Gray tried to get me quiet.

"Yeah, yeah... just come with me!" I took his hand and started ran to the guild.


I searched for Erza.

"Hey Levy-chan! Have you seen Erza?" I asked.

"No... i don't think i have..." She replied.

I walked outside and started to look everywhere.

"What are you doing?" Voice behind me asked.

I gasped and turned around. "Erza!" I yelled. "I was looking for you!"

"Oh, me... why?" Erza looked curious.

"Just come with me inside so i'll tell you there." I said and get back to inside.

Just when i sat i heard that Natsu got back to the guild with Gray.

"Oh, good! You are already here!" Natsu shouted.

"Yeah, yeah! Can you just tell me what's going on?" Gray was getting pissed.

"Uhm, of course..." I stood up and walked to Gray. " Me and Natsu found an perfect job for us!"

Erza nobbed, Gray just sighed quietly.

"Yeah! Request said that there's fire, ice, celestial and requip mage needed." Natsu told them.

"Isn't that amazing! just for us!" I was so excited.

Erza nobbed again. "We'll go." She said before Gray decided to refuse.

"Well, okay..." Gray said too.

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