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Third person's P.O.V.

"Fine.......master." Natsu anwsered with heartless tone.

Zeref could see the horror on Natsu's friends faces. They were looking at Natsu like he was zombie.

"Well... Aren't you surprised." Zeref said and smiled a bit.

"What have you done to him! Why is he like that!?" Erza's strong voice boomed.

"Natsu will help me... Then this is all over. He will just help me a little." Zeref said.

"Natsu!!!" Lucy started running towards Natsu.

"Don't!" Erza, Gray, Wendy, Gajeel, Panther Lily and Carla rushed towards Lucy, but it was too late.

Lucy stopped right in front of Natsu. She shyly looked into his eyes. Natsu's face was emotionless, he turned his gaze at Lucy.

Lucy looked a bit scared "Natsu...? What a-"

Natsu grabbed her hand tightly. He squeezed it really hard, making Lucy grunt.

"Let her go!" Erza shouted.

Lucy was still looking into his eyes. Natsu blinked once and then let go of Lucy's hand. He slowly turned around.

"Natsu... I'm sorry. We need to go." Zeref gave Natsu his hand.

Natsu stared a little while at Zeref, but then he took his hand and they started running away.

"Let's follow them!!!" Gajeel yelled and Fairy tail's team rushed after the two.

Sting's P.O.V.

'I was a bit weirded out by Luna. She just rushed into our fight, saved us and told her causes. She really don't hesitate...' My thoughts kept keeping me aware.

Rogue looked at me, of course I was still holding my hand.

"Are you really okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. I am just fine." I answered.

"Hey! Look at there!" We heard Luna's voice.

There was man, he was wearing black and his hair was black. He ran to the another room.

"That was ZEREF!!!" Rogue yelled and we started following him.

But after Zeref the came another man. He had pink(Salmon!) hair, he looked familiar.

"That is Natsu-san!" I shouted this time.

We started running again, towards the room which was after the long hallway. But once again we saw more dudes ran into the room.

"Hey! That was Gajeel, Gray, Erza, Lucy, Wendy, Carla and Panther Lily!" Rogue's jaw dropped.

I murmured something. Luna was already running as fast as she could.
Me and Rogue boosted after them all.

"Kyaaaaaa!!!!!" Luna did some kind of super speed run.

Fairy Tail's group were already in the room as we got at the door, or that's what we tought.

"Where are they!?" I looked around.

"There is a hole on the roof." Luna said and pointed at it.

I sighed, Rogue turned into a shadow and levitated through the hole. I jumped through it. Luna just kinda like teleported there. We were out of the mansion's cellar, I mean we were outside in a huge garden, which was all messed up and ruined.

"What is going on!?" I shouted as I saw the fairy tail's guys.

"Watch out!" Erza summoned her swords, she was ready to attack.

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