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Natsu's pov.

I woke up, ready to the mission. I did my morning routine and after an hour i was ready to leave.

"Happy! Let's go! Or else we'll be late!" I shouted at the sleepy cat.

"Aye, aye, aye... I'm coming." i heard the quiet anwser.

"Hey! Don't be so quiet!" i smiled.

"You're awlays so cheery guy, you know..." Happy said nut then laughed.

"Anyways, now we really do have to go!" i pointed at the door.


Gray's pov.

I was at the trainn station, waiting for the others. About ten minutes and everyone expect flamebrain and Happy was there.

"Once again, Natsu and Happy are late..." Lucy said.

"Oh... But wait, it's not even surprise anymore." I was annoyed.

"There they are!" Erza shouted.

"We're here!!!" Natsu ran at us.

"C'mon! Train is going to leave!" Lucy jumped in the train.

We all followed Lucy in the train.

Erza's pov.

We sat down in the train. Gray sat opposite of Natsu. Lucy sat next to Natsu and i sat next to Gray. Happy onto Natsu's lap. Just when the train started to move, Natsu looked sick.

"Uaaaaghh..." Natsu let out a weird moan.

"Well... This trip takes about thirty minutes, you know..." Gray said.

"Yea... But i d-on't like th-this..." Natsu leaned his head on the window.

I looked at him. "You can always sleep."

Natsu nobbed and closed his eyes. It didn't took long for him to fall asleep.

Natsu's pov.

In his dream;

White... White room, or is it a room? Well, it's anyways white and quiet. I was laying on the floor or ground, whatever it is. I saw a shadow comin near to me. I tried to speak, but nothing came out. Shadow didn't really look angry or anything, so i didn't run away.

"You..." angry voice spoke.

"What???" this time my voice came out.

"You are bad person..." it said.

"I am???"

"I hope nothing but death to you..."

"what? Who are you? Why?"

"Me? I am your weakness... I am, someone... Who can take everything from you... But first, i need you to come at me... You will find me. But remember; true friends are always the ones who stab you the deepest..."

"What!?!? I don't understand you! What are ya talking about!?" i shouted.

No anwser...

I started to walk around. But i quickly stopped as something red fell on my nose. I touched it, and realised it was blood. I watched up. Bleeding dead bodies hanging from the ceiling. Suddenly huge mount of blood fell on me. I started to panic. I fell on my knees, looked at my hands. Started to scream.

End of the dream~

Thats it! Weird dream, huh? What will happen on the mission? Keep reading~


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