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Third person's P.O.V.

Members of Fairy Tail were freezed. They just watched the black mage holding their nakama. None of them dared to speak.

"Well... What a bad timing." Zeref said suddenly.

"Let... Him... Go." Erza said with really angry voice.

She stepped closer.

"Listen. I am doing only things what need to be done. You can't decide anyone elses fate." Zeref talked.

"Natsu..." Lucy said with tears in her eyes.

"Now, pardon me. I need to go." Zeref said and started to walk towards them.

Few gasps were heard as he walked closer. When Zeref was in front of them, he started using his magic.

"~walk throught the dark door, summon to the safe place. Send the army protect and heal the ones who need it~" He said the spell quietly.

"You asshole!!!" Gray yelled and started running towards the black mage.

"Gray!" Everyone shouted after him.

Gray created ice in his hands, he was just about to hit Zeref.

"~shadow blast~" Zeref whispered a spell and he created little black shadow ball in front if his eyes. The ball started growing little by little.

"Sayounara..." Zeref said.

Big door spawned in front of him. He stepped inside of it in the darkness. Gray's attack failed.
The shadow ball was now a size of a fist.

Erza looked pale. "Run!!!" She yelled and everyone obeyed.

Zeref's door closed after him and just when all mages left the room, the ball caused huge explosion if dark magic.

Lucy's P.O.V.

Everyone ran out of the room. I tripped down just in time to get safe. Then I heard a huge explosion. I couldn't see anything. Black smoke filled the mansion.

"Is everyone okay!?" I heard Gray's voice.

"Let's get out of here!" That was Carla.

I still couldn't see clearly but i got outside. I looked around.

"Is all of us here?" Erza couched few times.

"Yea..." Gajeel said.

"Let's see... Laxus, Freed, Bixlow, Evergreen, Wendy, Carla, Gajeel, Levy, Jet, Droy, Lily, Gray and Lucy. Everyone is safe." Erza said.

I got up from the ground and i slowly made my way towards the door. The whole mansion was ruined. Explosion destroyed it. I realised what happened.

"Natsu..." I opened the door but it fell apart in front of me.

"Lucy-san..." Wendy whispered.

"We'll get him back, Lu-chan." Levy patted my shoulder.

"Yeah! We won't give up!" Gajeel yelled, which was surprising.

"That's right. I fight with him a lot, but it doesn't mean that I want him to die." Gray said.

Unison raid were nobbing in agreement. Laxus huffed angrily but then blinked few times and stood up better. I smiled a bit, but still tears raced down on my cheek.

"Thank you..." I whispered and wipe away the tears.

"Now we return to the guild and then we will follow Zeref." Erza said and we leaved the exploded mansion.

Natsu's P.O.V.

I started to slowly open my eyes. I was in weird room, laying on a huge bed. It was all fancy and shit. My head was killing me, I really didn't remember much about Dott and the place where he kept me, but I remembered the crystal ball full of lightning. I sat up on the bed and looked around a bit more.

"Where am I?" I realized odd smell, it was really weird but still familiar.

I stood up from the bed, but my legs couldn't handle my weight. I almost fell down immediately. Cursimg in my mind I was holding on tight to the table next to the bed.

"Shit shit shit!" I had to force myself moving.

'Where the fuck am I, this place is... Weird and this smell is familiar. This was... Tenrou island! I'm sure about it! But still... I'm so weak now... The freaking crystall ball took my strenght away.'

I was sweating, a lot. I sat on the floor and huffed.

"This can't be happening..."

Suddenly I heard the door open. I turned my head and saw a person.

"Hello Natsu, how are you feeling?" Man asked me with overly nice tone.

"You are... Zeref!!!" I tried to get up again, but again fell over.

"Don't push yourself. You need to recover." Zeref said demanding.

"Where am I? Why are you here? What do ya want from me???" I threw questions at him.

"Calm down. I will explain." Zeref sat down on the chair which was next to the door.

"Explain to me right now!" I yelled.

"Very well then." Zeref smiled at me.

I climbed up to the bed and waited for anwsers.

"As you know, Dott kidnapped you for his own needs. He devoured your dragonslayer powers in the magic crystal ball. I saved you from it. I came there to save you, because I have important things to tell you. While I carried you away, your guild tried to stop me, but I exploded the whole mansion and your friend maybe got in it." Zeref told me.

I just stared at him.

"You... No... Did you hurt my nakamas?" I felt huge anger grow inside me.

"Maybe" Black mage laughed.

"No! I will fucking kill your ass!!!" I again tried to stood up, but I was still too weak to walk.

"Sit back down. I still have the important thing to tell." Zeref commanded.

I hissed but sat back down as he said.

"Listen... Do you know who your parents are?" Zeref asked.

"Igneel is my father." I said to him with serious face.

"Dragon can't be your real father, Natsu." Zeref smiled a bit.

"I... My parents are..." My words left my head.

Zeref stood up and walked next to me. "I thought so... Natsu, the truth is..."

Third person's P.O.V.
*at the guild

We just returned to the guild. It was horrible, how Natsu was taken away. Lucy was really broken and everyone else were sad or angry. Erza was now talking to master.

"Zeref!?" Makarov shouted.

"Yes. He took Natsu away and exploded the mansion." Erza told him.

Master looked like he was about to pass out. He leaned on the wall.

"Master! I will go search him right away! I... I need him!!!" Lucy broke down again.

"Lu-chan!" Levy ran to hug her.

"Lucy... We will save Natsu. He is afterall our nakama." Makarov told her.

Whole guild was quiet for a moment.

"Now... Same thing again. Teams will go search. We all are going to do our best to find Natsu!" Master commanded.

"Aye sir!!!"

Chapter ready! Yay! Sorry about the late update... I started high school few weeks ago and it's sooo ass. Not funny. Maybe I'll survive... But still so poop. But thank you for reading!😊


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