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Lucy's P.O.V.

Carla looked scared. She was shaking and sweating. Wendy was kneeling beside her.

"What! No! That can't be!!!" I almost shouted.

"That't... What I saw..." Carla said.

I just stared at my hands and breathed heavily.

"Calm down." Gajeel tapped my shoulder.

"No! I need to find him now!" I screamed.

"Lucy!!!" Erza shouted.

I stopped my movements. Slowly turning around, I looked at Erza.

"That does not help." Gray said.

"Yea... I guess you're right." I sighed and wiped a few tears away.

"Okay... But you're kinda right. We need to go." Wendy said as she picked Carla up.

"Yes. That's true." Erza agreed.

I started walking around in a circle. I felt anger and sadness. My head was pounding hard.

"You didn't find him, did you?" Gajeel asked and looked at Panther Lily.

"No..." Lily anwsered.

"Well... Now, let's keep moving." Erza commanded.

Natsu's P.O.V.

Fire, red, pain, heat...

"Natsu!? Can you hear me!? Do you still understand me!?" Zeref shouted.

I couldn't see him like I was blinded by the red fire around my body. The heat was unbeliviable, it almost melted my skin.

"Aaaaargh!!!" I tried to say his name, but all that came out was horrific scream.

"Just try to calm yourself, then you'll be fine..." Zeref said and sighed.

I fell down on the floor.

"Hey...I will keep you safe..." voice spoke again.

"NO! NO! NO!" I shouted and punched the floor.

"Why are yoou screaming? I can fix you. Don't worry..." Voice told me.

"NO! DON'T HURT ME!!!" I screamed.

"Natsu!" Zeref's voice was so small.

It felt like I couldn't breath.

"Don't shout. I will destroy your family... I will destroy you..."

Third person's P.O.V.

Lucy and her team was still running all around the hallways. Dragonslayer's noses couldn't even help them much.

"I cannot smell anything else but smoke." Gajeel said, crossing his arms.

"Me too... There's only smoke..." Wendy looked sad.

"Please, Natsu... Be okay." Lucy whispered to herself.

"He'll be fine... Remember that he is really strong." Erza said.

Gray only nobbed. Two exceeds flied high, almost touching the roof.

"AAAAAAARGH!!!" Really loud scream flashed from one direcrion.

"What...!?" Gray's eyes moved quickly towards Gajeel.

Gajeel smelled again, then he tried to hear which way the scream came from.

"This way!!!" Gajeel shouted and started running.

Others followed him, they trusted his sayings. Team moved fast from hallway at the big wooden door. It looked really old.

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