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Lucy's P.O.V.

"Time travel!?" I stared at Luna.

"I am from the past. I met Natsu there." Luna looked at me back.

"Enough of this... I need to do my task." E.N.D sounded angry.

"I won't let you." I said and pointed at him.

"I'm so scared." E.N.D laughed.

"E.N.D! Now!!!" Zeref shouted suddenly.

We turned towards him, he was creating some kind of black circle in his hands.

"Come!!!" Zeref launched his magic into the sky.

Thunder stormed after it and dark clouds moved away. I couldn't do anything else, but stare at the clouds.

"What is this!?" Erza panicked a little.

Zeref started whispering something. "Come down, protect me, don't kill, just protect, come."

"Watch out! He's saying spells!!!" Luna screamed next to me.

One huge dark cloud began to settle down towards Zeref. He smiled a little as it came closer. E.N.D stayed next to Zeref. Luna and I had to run away so the cloud wouldn't reach us. We could never know what it kept inside.

"Come." Zeref said with commanding voice as the cloud was upon him

Dark smoke fell upon him and it surrounded him and E.N.D. After few seconds the smoke faded away and there was over twenty of soldiers.

"Raise, my army." Zeref raised his hands.

Soldiers were made of stone. They were dark blue colored. Zeref's soldiers stood up and took their weapons ready.

"Oh? What a nice plan you got here... I actually want you to fail with this, but I can't do anything else but obey... I hate you." E.N.D said to Zeref with angry voice.

"Good, then you just obey." Zeref pointed at us.

Soldiers started running towards us, they attacked. Zeref grabbed E.N.D by his shirt and started  dragging him.

"They're escaping!!!" Erza yelled as soldier swinged axe towards her.

Everyone started fighting. Gajeel, Wendy, Sting, Rogue, Erza, Gray, Luna and me. I tried to sneak away from the soldier, but it seemed like they weren't that stupid. Suddenly Gray punched the soldier who was stopping me.

I jumped little bit backwards. "Gray?"

"Go! I'll handle this!" He shouted as the soldier tried to kick him.

"We'll get help!" Panther Lily, he and Carla flew away.

I started following Zeref, who was dragging E.N.D.

"Let's go." Sudden voice said next to me and it scared the shit out of me.

I couched. "What the... Luna?"

"Yeah... I will help you. Natsu helped me when I had hard time... So, I will help him now." Luna seemed to be serious.

"Why would I trust you?" I was jealous, jealous because she and Natsu seemed to be close to each other when she showed the memory.

"Don't worry... I'm not gonna steal your love. I have my own love now... Back at my home." Luna smiled.

I felt huge relief when she said it. I sighed and kept running.

"Now, we need to catch them up." I said.

E.N.D's P.O.V.

My master was dragging me. I actyally didn't want to kill him. I am not stupid, stupid like the other demons. They obey his every word, and they feel good about it. I have my own opinions and to me... This isn't good idea.

E.N.D.  The Darkest MomentWhere stories live. Discover now