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Third person's P.O.V.

Fairy tail's teams were searching like crazy, They looked all around Magnolia and Fiore. Makarov was worried as hell.

"My boy... Natsu are you okay...?" Master huffed and sat down on his chair in his office.

"M...master?" Little sound was heard behind the door.

"Yes Wendy?" Makarov went to the door and opened it.

"I...I found a way to cure Happy." Wendy said.

"What!? Really! That's a good thing! Well... Tell me what it is?" Master smiled.

"Come after me." Wendy left the master's office and walked all the way to the infirmary.

Master stepped inside and saw two huge books laying on the table. Next to it there was crumpled papers. Master looked a bit more around.

"Master! Look!" Wendy opened other of the two huge books and flipped to the one page.

Master read out loud. "The removing magic. Contains one crystal, two golden rings and one demon hair." Master's face dropped.

"Y...yeah?" Wendy looked at Makarov with worry.

"Child... you need one DEMON'S hair to make this work... it is going to be hard." Master said to little dragonslayer.

"I can do it! We can do it! For Happy and Natsu! For the guild!" Wendy said with a proud face.

"Yes. Yes we can do it." Master smiled and walked out of the room.

Mirajane was cleaning plates in the corner. She smiled as master walked next to her.

"How's Wendy doing?" She asked happily.

"Nicely, she actually found a way to turn Happy back to normal." Master told her.

"Wow! Really? that's awesome." Mira smiled even more.

"Yes, but there is on big problem." Makarov said seriously.

Mirajane's smile faded. "What is it?"

"The spell contains one crystal, two golden rings and one... Demon's hair." Master said.

Mira looked at him. "Are you serious...?"

Master nobbed.

Natsu's P.O.V.

Zeref slowly walked closer to me. He smiled a bit, but it wasn't this time the sly smile. He smiled happily at me.

"Listen... The truth is that... I know your real parents. Actually I know them really well."

"You know... My...?" I started to feel uncomfortable.

"Yes. I know them, because I am your brother. My name is Zeref Dragneel." He smiled wildly.

"No. That can't be. No way... But, you're over four hundred years old...!?" I shouted.

"True. You are over four hundred years old too." Zeref sat down on the bed next to me.

"Are you serious? How am I alive? What is going on?" I was confused by the fact he just told.

"I have a long story to tell. Natsu, shall we go to the dining room. I will tell you everything." Zeref stood up and took my hand.

I didn't smile. I didn't answer. I stayed silent, but deep inside I actually felt happiness. I don't know why. I sood up and left with my... Brother?

Gray's P.O.V.

Our teams were working hard, again. Once again everyone felt depressed.

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