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Third person's P.O.V.

Gray started running towards master E.N.D. "I WILL END YOUR LIFE!!!"

"No!!!" It was Luna, she used her magic to make a barrier to stop Gray.

"What are you doing!?!?" Gray was raging.

"Can't you see!? That isn't Natsu!!! That is whole different person!!!" Luna yelled.

"Oh? Why did you stop him? It would have been nice to play with him." E.N.D. said with smirk on his face.

"E.N.D! Do it now!" Zeref used his magic to teleport closer to him.

"Fine..." E.N.D said and turned towards Zeref.

He started creating bright red fire on his arms. It was so hot that even Sting could feel it, even if he was all the way behind everyone.

"Do it..." Zeref said. "I will save you then..." he whispered.

E.N.D didn't look too happy, but he still obeyed Zeref. His fire ball in his hand were now a size of his own head.

"Here goes..." E.N.D started running towards Zeref.

Zeref summoned a book in his arms, a book of E.N.D. Erza, Wendy, Gajeel, Gray, Carla, Panther Lily, Sting and Rogue just stared at the action. But two of them didn't, they couldn't stare at it anymore.

"NO!!!!!" Two female voices yelled at the same time.

Everyone's heads turned towards Lucy and Luna. They started rushing at E.N.D. and Zeref. Both of them were ready to use their magic. Lucy got her keys on her hand.

"Virgo! Taurus! Scorpio!" She opened the gates and her celestial spirits came to help her.

Luna was keeping her hands in a weird posession, like she was preparing her magic level.

E.N.D noticed that the girls ran in front of Zeref. Everything was like on slow motion. E.N.D wasn't stopping his attack.

"Virgo! Taurus! Scorpio! Stop him!!!" Lucy commanded.

Virgo ran towards E.N.D, so did Taurus, Scorpio used his sand to attack.

Zeref tried to teleport in front of all of them, but there was too much going on.

"Don't try to stop me! You will only die!!!" E.N.D. yelled and he got closer with his magic fire.

"Luner dragon roar!!!" Luna attacked.

E.N.D didn't move away, he kept running towards them. Taurus and Virgo jumped up so Luna's roar and Scorpio's Sand could hit him.

"Why are you...do-" E.N.D had to use his attack to protect himself.

"If you kill Zeref, Natsu will die too!!!" Lucy yelled.

"That's true! You shall not kill Zeref!" Luna pointed at E.N.D.

"You don't understand it... You have no idea about me or that stubid dragonslayer... I do not want to do this, but because my creator says so... I need to do it." E.N.D. spoke.

"What would you do then? If I didn't command you to kill me, what would you do?" Zeref asked, he seemed to be a little sad.

"What I would do? I would kill the dragonslayer and steal my body back... I would KILL him....." E.N.D. anwsered with demonic voice.

"Like I ever would let you kill him! I've seen that horror once and I am not seeing it twice!!!" Zeref almost raged.

"What?" Erza asked.

E.N.D.  The Darkest MomentWhere stories live. Discover now