The darkest moment

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Erza's P.O.V.

We were in the middle of fight, but suddenly Zeref's soldiers started disappearing.

"What? What is this?" Gajeel said.

"I dunno. They just disappeared." Gray looked at me.

"Hey! Look!" Wendy's high pitched voice shouted.

I turned to see what she was pointing, but before I even saw her, shadow covered the sky upon me. I saw huge figure to jump right next to me.

"Kyaah!!!" Wendy screamed and she covered her eyes.

The figure started turning smaller. Then I realized who it was.

"Master?" I asked.

"Yes, it's me, but we don't have time to be here. Where is Natsu?" Master asked when he was back to his normal size.

"It's not... Natsu... I mean..." I tried to say something.

"E.N.D has taken over his body." Gajeel said suddenly.

"What? No.......that can't be..." Master's face turned into a mixture of sadness and madness.

"It is true." I said. "And Gray was ready to attack him, but Gray didn't realize that it was still Natsu's body." I told him.

Master nobbed slowly. "We need to go... Now!"

Lucy's P.O.V.

I slowly petted Natsu's cheek. He weren't breathing. I felt panic grow inside my head. I pressed my head on his chest and listened. There was no pounding.

"Natsu... You can't go... Not yet... We were supposed to tell everyone! Tell them about our relationship" I shouted and cried at the same time.

His cheek was cold. I couldn't breath. I failed.

"I'm so sorry... I failed... I couldn't save you. I am so, so sorry. I can't... Live without you... Natsu! I love you!!!" My tears dropped on his forehead.
"I... I"

Suddenly I heard steps come closer.

"No....what can I even say......" I tried to wipe some tears away.

"Don't worry... I am here too. I don't know what happened between you and Zeref, but I can still be here with you." Luna said and tapped my shouldet slightly.

Then I saw Erza running towards us. I turned back to Natsu's lifeless body and started crying again.

"Lucy-san!" Wendy shouted from the distance.

I only turned more away from them.

"Lucy?" Luna asked.

"Yea?" I said not even looking at her.

"Aren't you gonna tell them?" She asked.

"I...don't know." I replied.

"Okay... If you decide that, I'll stay quiet." Luna said.

She walked next to a tree and sat down. Luna closed her eyes for a second and then she sighed heavily.  I heard steps slowing down, then stop.

"NO NO NO!!!" Erza screamed.

I turned to look at her.

"No.... Is he?" Erza kneeled down.

"Yes." I said simply.

Erza started crying, which was something I never believed to see. Gray and Gajeel were only looking at Natsu, sadly. Wendy was only staring at him, she looked scared. Luna was just sitting quietly, she kept her head down.

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