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Third person's P.O.V.

"Well hello little kitty cat." Female voice said behind Happy.

Happy turned around to see beautiful silver haired woman. She had tattoos around her body. On legs, on arms, on her stomack and a little feather on her cheek.

"Who are you?" Happy asked, not sure if she was good or bad.

"Me? Oh... I am Traz. Nice to meet you tiny cute creature." she said with weird smile.

"What do you want?" Happy stepped in front of Natsu, protecting him.

"I want to help you cute guys out. You seem to have some troubles going on." Traz laughed a bit.

"Oh... You want to help us?" Happy believed Traz.

"Yes. How could i not." She stepped closer to Natsu and Happy.

Happy looked at Natsu who didn't even underatand anything what happened around. Natsu was almost passed out again.

"We have to take him to our guild." Happy told Traz.

"Oh, I can see that you belong to Fairy Tail." Traz said.

"Yes. It's right there." Happy turned his back to Traz and pointed where guild was.

He was turning to see if Traz was seeing where it was. Traz looked evily at Happy.

"Alright cute kitten. Stone magic, Stone figure!" Traz yelled a spell and pointed her finger at Happy.

"Wha-!" Happy's feet turned into stone.

"Now you can't do anything..." Traz turned his whole body into a stone.

She laughed insanely as she looked at Natsu. "And now you're coming with me."

Traz summoned a stone figure. The figure took Natsu in it's arms and carried him.

"Come." Traz ran away from the forest with the figure, who carried Natsu.

Happy was left in the forest as a stone.

Lucy's P.O.V.

We were running towards guild. We heard that Dott guy and Rasya talk to each other. They revealed their plan without knowing it. I was so worried about Natsu. I love him, he loves me. We didn't tell anyone about it. Not even Happy. We were supposed to tell everyone that we're dating after this stupid mission. But it all was fake. They tricked us. I feel so bad that we believed that guy who gave us the fake mission.

"Lucy! What are you daydreaming!" Gray yelled in my ear.

I realised i was spacing out and i was left a bit behind.

"Sorry... I just..." i said and catched up with Erza and Gray.

"You can explain later." Erza said.

"Yeah." Gray agreed.

We ran about ten minutes and i suddenly saw something on left. It looked like stone.

"What's that!?" Gray saw it too.

"Let's take a quick look!" Erza turned.

We ran towards the stone thing. It looked like stone figure, cat. Little cat.

"No!!! It's... Happy!!!" i screamed in horror.

"Happy!!!" Gray kneeled beside Happy stone figure.

"This is stone magic. I don't know exactly what kind of... We have to take him to the guild." Erza said right away.

"Yeah. Wait a minute... If Happy's here turned into a stone... Where is flamebrain!?" Gray realised.

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