Nalu <3

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Lucy's p.o.v.

I walked outside with Natsu. Natsu seemed so happy.

"What's going on with you?" I asked laughing.

Natsu looked me. "Dunno, i just feel so happy... maybe it's cause we're going to that job."

I smiled at him. He was sooooo cute, when he smiled. I... oh my god! What am i thinking!? Natsu suddenly stopped.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Luce... i think... i'm in... love." He said with crackin voice.

"Ah! That is amazing! Who is it!?" I shouted happily, but i wasn't really that happy... i loved that pinky, very much.

"It is... emmmm........" Natsu was sweating now.

"Well???" I was getting more and more curious about it.

"It's YOU!" Natsu shouted and ran away.

I felt so numb, just standin quietly. He just said that he loves me... I started to panic. 

"Should i follow him!?" I walked around in circles in the middle of the street.

"Follow who?" Sound behind me asked. 

I screamed and turned quickly around. "Gray!" 

"who you should follow? Natsu?" Gray asked me pretty curiously. 

" uhm... yeah. Natsu just ran away..." I said.

"Why???" ice mage was staring me.

"He... he... HE TOLD ME THAT I'M THE ONE HE LOVES!!!" I screamed like fangirl, so happily. 

"congratulations, but that still don't explain why he ran away..." He patted me on the shoulder.

"I didn't say anything... maybe that's why..." I almost started to cry. 

"Hey... now go get him and tell him the truth about your feelings..."

"Yeah! Thanks Gray!" I ran after the pinky. 

Natsu's p.o.v

I ran away as fast i could. Actually i didn't know why, but i just felt like it... maybe I'm bad of discussions like these, anyways... I stopped at my house. catching my breath, i stepped inside. 

"Happy?" I asked carefully. "He's not home... " 

I walked to the bathroom and started to wash my face. I looked to the mirror. 

Why i'm blushing!!! No... i'm such a idiot... why did i ran away???

Then i heard a knocking. quickly I dried my face with a towel. I walked to the door and opened it. 

"Natsu!" Lucy jumped inside. 

"Luce... what... what is it???"I asked stubid. 

"You baka! Why did you ran away from me!?" Lucy looked kinda happy and sad at the same time. 

"I...I was so embarrased!" I said, and felt my face turn red. 

"Still, you didn't have to run..." Lucy pouted.

I looked at her, my eyes full of love. "Luce... do you l-l-like m-me?" I asked quietly.

"Guess what... i don't like you." Lucy said in a cold tone as my heart skipped a beat.

"I love you!" She jumped and hugged me. 

I sighed with relief and hugged her back. "Luce,  i don't know what to do without you..." I whispered in her ear.

She just giggled at it. Her laugh was the most beautiful thing in world. I was so happy, at that moment. I felt like everything fell into place. I smiled as brighest i could.

I'm sorry that it's so short, but anyway... a bit lovely stuffffffff. Nalu moments... ah, make me wanna cry the tears of joy. well, something is gonna happen, is it good, bad, really bad or catastrophic... you will see... 


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