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Third person's P.O.V.
*with Fairy Tail

And once again, teams couldn't find anything. Makarov felt like a failure. He was thinking hard, how to find black mage.

"Master! Master!" Mirajane yelled.

"What!?" Makarov rushed to downstairs.

There was man standing next to the big wooden door. He had hood on, so Makarov and Mira couldn't recognise him.

"Hello..." he took his hood off.

"Jellal!?" Master was surprised.

"I've come to tell you something." Jellal said with serious tone.

"What is it...?" Makarov walked closer.

Jellal huffed. "I know where Zeref is right now..."

Natsu's P.O.V.

Zeref smiled.

"But... I have question..." I said.

"Go on. Ask me." Zeref didn't move and kept the same face.

"How... Am I alive? I died!? How in the hell I'm still here!?" I stood up suddenly.

"Calm down. That was only the first part of the whole story. I still have more to tell. C'mon. Sit down." Zeref talked with calming voice.

I breathed heavily and sat down just like what he said.

Zeref's smile disappeared. "Okay. I'll continue..."


Zeref stood alone in the middle of the darkest forest. He didn't even care to eat anything. He was homeless, no family, no friends. He had nothing left.

"Why are you here?" Old man stepped next to Zeref.

"I don't know where I should be." Zeref said.

"Where is your parents? Or your family?" Man asked.

"My parents died. And my little brother too." Zeref answered.

"Oh... What a shame." man patted Zeref's head. "Little boy, I can sense huge magic power within you. I've never felt anything that powerful."

Zeref raised his head. "Really...?"

"Yes. Come with me. I will give you home." man smiled.

*Three years later

Zeref had learned much. His teacher has given him home. Zeref became one of the most powerful wizard in the world. He was really young, but still he had huge amount of magic power.

"Zeref. Could you go to the library and bring me a book named deadly potions, please." Old man was sitting on his chair and he was writing.

"Yes." Zeref said and left the room.

Zeref walked trhough the hallways. He opened the big green wooden door and went in to the library. Zeref looked around and searched one book.

"Umm... There?" He talked to himself.

"No... Not here..." Zeref went over to another bookshelf.

He looked at the names of the books. One book caught his eye.

"Forbidden magic...?" Zeref took the book and started flipping the pages.

His eyes almost fell off of his head. "How to make dead people come back alive. Warning, if something goes wrong with the spell or magic, It's deadly."

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