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Third person's P.O.V.

"Come at me then... Come!!!" E.N.D shouted.

"No!" Zeref raised his hands.

"What no? Why would you want to die...? You know that... no matter how bad things you have done, you can still be good person." Lucy said suddenly.

E.N.D started laughing again. "You have no idea what he did... He's EVIL..."

"Hey Lucy, am I gonna attack or something?" Loke asked.

"No." Lucy returned loke to the stellar world.

"What? But how are we going to..." Luna looked at Lucy with questioning face.

Lucy shoved her hand towards Luna.
"Shh. I will talk now."

"Wow... Okay....." Luna backed away.

"Zeref, It can be changed... You don't have to die." Lucy said.

"And you don't know the truth." Zeref crossed his arms calmly.

E.N.D sighed and sat down on the ground. "Arguing? At this time...? Geez."

"Tell me the whole truth so I can help you and then we help Natsu to get his body back." Lucy explaned.

"...You don't get it. Natsu and E.N.D are the same person. E.N.D has always been there in Natsu, but I awakened it." Zeref said.

"What...? Natsu IS......E.N.D?" Luna gasped at the background.

Lucy just stood there her mouth wide open.

"Etherious...Natsu... Dragneel..." Zeref almost whispered.

"Does... That mean that you created Natsu? Or... What?" Lucy looked disapointed ää

"Kind of... Okay. Listen... I'll tell you the truth. But you have to believe me... And you have to let me do what needs to be done." Zeref said and looked at Lucy blinking deeply.

"I... Do believe you." Lucy nobbed.

Lucy's P.O.V.

I was looking at Zeref who was clearly ready to tell eveything. I was waiting him to say something.

"I trust you, but I don't trust her." Zeref pointed at Luna, who looked surprised by what Zeref just said.

E.N.D raised his head a little to see what was going on, but he put it down immediately and frowned. Luna raised an eyebrow and she opened her mouth to say something. I looked at Zeref, who was still pointing at her.

"What? Why?" I asked, but still already kinda knew the anwser.

"I know her from the past and she means trouble to me." Zeref said and he disappeared suddenly leaving a black smoke behind.

I surprisingly noticed that he had teleported next to Luna. Zeref quickly raised his finger and touched Luna's forehead. Luna fell down on the ground.

"What did you do!?" I screamed and ran towards them to see if Luna was okay.

"I put her into a really deep sleep. Don't worry, she will wake up after we're done talking." Zeref tried to calm me down.

"Fine..." I said and we walked away from E.N.D.

Zeref gulped once and blinked twice. He cleared his throat.

"This is really really important. The thing is... That... Natsu... Umm........" Zeref stopped for a while. "I am Natsu's big brother."

My jaw dropped. "What!?!? That can't...be.......true....."

"It is... Natsu is over four hundred years old. Our parents, they died when we were young. Our mother burned with our house and our father commited suicide because his love was gone." Zeref told me.

Tears started coming out of my eyes. "That's so sad......"

"Well... The story continues... Before our father commited suicide, he..." Suddenly Zeref's face turned really pale.

"Are you okay?" I asked as he started couching.

Zeref moved his hands up and whispered something quickly.

"I...re-released...your........f-friends...from...t-the...soldiers........." He said before collapsing to the ground.

He smiled a little before whispering his last words. "M-milky...way........."

Then I saw E.N.D. standing behind him. E.N.D's hand was bloody and he was grinning.

"What did you do!!!" I screamed.

"I killed him. I did just as he wished. Now I will die too, but I did what needed to be done. So.... Oh? That friend of yours is waking up." E.N.D said.

I looked over at Luna. She was scratching the back of her head.

"She looks fine..." I said to myself.

E.N.D laughed sadly. "Well...I am soon gone. I will disappear... forever. I don't know... Even if I am demon, does it mean that I'm supposed to die in the end? I really don't know."

"No... I believe that you can do good things. You're not evil... It's only what others told you..." I said and saw E.N.D's face turn even sadder.

"Y'know... That dragonslayer... He was calling out your name this whole time. He was screaming how he loves you from the bottom of his heart and will die for you if it's needed." E.N.D said as he fell on his knees, breathing heavily.

Now the tears were coming out of my eyes like a waterfall. I kneeled beside E.N.D and moved him next to Zeref. There they were laying on the ground. Both were slowly dying. E.N.D turned his gaze on me.

"Remember the...milky way..." He said before closing his eyes.

E.N.D was gone, but now it was Natsu who was laying next to his own big brother, almost dead.

"Natsu...?" I slightly touched his cheek.

He was cold. He looked like he weren't breathing. Once again I felt my eyes go watery. I was crying next to my love who was...dead...........?

I feel sorry to leave the story at that point, but I wanted to create a HUUGE cliffhanger xD nyahyahyahyahyaaaaa!

Krhm... I mean, thanks for reading! And I will write more soon. Just wait... And you'll see. Anyways buh-bye! xD
(anyone? Does anyone get that joke?)


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