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Natsu's pov. (still...)

I woke up with a scream. I sat up quickly, looking my hands.

"Wow, take it easy flamebrain!" Gray shouted.

"What is it, Natsu?" Erza asked.

"Oh, no-nothing..." i replied.

"You sure?" Lucy patted on my shoulder.

"Y-yeah..." i said, still looking down on my hands.

"Well, alright then." Erza said. "You woke up just in time, were here."

"Yosh! Let's go!" Gray jumped up.

We get out of the train and walked to the town. Town was quiet, dirty and pretty dark.

"Oh, nice place..." Gray sighed.

"Aye" Happy said as he flied high.

"Well we're not going to live here." Erza looked at the town.

"Sure not!" Lucy crossed her arms.

"I think we should go to the place where is that guy who asked our help..." i said.

"Yes, where was it again?" Gray asked.

"That." Erza pointedat the big messy bar next to church.

"That!?!?" Gray, Lucy, happy and me shouted in unison.

"Yup." Erza was already walking to the bar.

We followed her. I really wasn't in the mood of saying something really stubid. Erza opened the big woiden door. She stepped inside.

"Krhm, is anyone here?" she she took another step.

Dark figure came out of the door.

"Hello, are you from fairy tail?" figure old man.

"Yes, indeed." Erza said.

"Good good, can you show your marks?" man asked.

I showed my left shoulder, Lucy her hand, Happy his back, Ezra her armour and Gray his chest. Man nobbed.

"Good good, come on in." he showed us the bar.

"So, about the job... Why is the pay so good? Is this mission very dangerous?" Lucy opened her mouth.

"Hmm... Yes, it is dangerous. But not that difficult." man sat down.

"What kind of mission?" this time Gray asked.

"Good good..." man said quietly while drinking something. "Monster. Bad, dangerous monster has been bullying our village. As you could see, all the villagers have moved away. It's really a shame but no one was able to live here." man sighed.

"What kind of monster is this one?" i asked curiously.

"Uses some kind of gravitation magic... I guess. I really have seen it just for once. It hides itself from people, but attacks just when someone is weak... I mean, it have killed about fifteen of our villagers." man explained.

"Do you have any idea, how we could find that monster?" Erza walked around the room.

"It loves the smell of blood." man looked serious.

"That's easy then! Yeah... We just make it smell blood and it comes to us." Gray jumped up from the chair.

"No! It is not that simple..." Man now looked like angry.

"What now?" Lucy asked.

"If monster smell blood, it's going to follow that blood it smells... So for example, if you..." man pointed at Happy. "If it's your blood, that monster smells, it's going to chase you until it kills you. That is a bad thing. Remember that." man finished with his drink.

"Oh..." Gray said with a bit embarrased voice.

"I think we should get going now... Thank you." Erza said at the old man, who nobbed.

We got outside of the bar. I was blanking out, thinking.

'smells blood... That dream, there was blood. A lot of it... This is not good, blood... More blood...' i was looking at my shoes.

"Natsu! Are you coming?" Lucy shouted at me.

"Y-yeah, yeah. I am." i anwsered.

"Good good, Aye!" Happy flied next to me.

"Good good!" Gray joked.

"Don't. He is a nice person... Even if he says that all the time." Erza said.

"Hey! Whats that???" Gray ran at one house, wich was covered by dirt and blood.

"This have to be that monsters doing..." Lucy looked a bit scared.

I stepped closer, sniffed the air. I noticed differend smells, but one was much stronger than others. It was a smell of fresh blood. It made me feel sick, i fell on my knees and started to cough. Erza, Lucy, Gray and Happy ran to me.

"Natsu!?" I heard Erza yell.

I coughed more. The i smelled much more blood, it was too strong smell. Disgusting, i puked.

"Whats wrong!?" Lucy patted my back.

"Nashuu!" Happy yelled, worried.

After a few minutes i felt a bit better.

"I... Smell... A... Lot... Of..." i sighed.

"You smell what?" Gray asked.

"Blood. So much blood. It makes me feel sick... It's disgusting..." i told.

They all looked at me. Erza crossed her arms.

"This might not be nice to you, but we have to find where that blood is." she said with a serious voice.

" yes, i can do it." i said while getting up from the ground.

"Good, now we'll follow you." Lucy said.


I almost forgot about Happy there... But, he's been quiet once for his life. XD sorry Happy! Well, mission... Lot of blood, is it linked with Natsu's dream?
Maybe, Maybe not...


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