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Third person's P.O.V.
*with Laxus's team

Unison raid, Erza and Laxus were heading to west forest.

"Laxus, do you find anything?" Evergreen asked.

"No. Nothing." Laxus walked a bit around.

"Erza, do you know anything about the kidnapper?" Freed asked as he ran his hand through his hair.

"Only thing i know is that her name is Traz. I heard that from that Dott guy. He is behind all this." Erza said.

"We can't find them with that information." Bixslow joined in.

"Yeah. I think." Erza agreed.

"Let's just keep searching, i don't want to spent whole day in here." Laxus said angrily.

Erza looked at Laxus a bit pissed. Evergreen, Freed and Bixlow nobbed in agreement.

We started our search again.

Lucy's P.O.V.
*with Wendy's team

We had been searching for a long time in Magnolia. Still... Nothing has been found. We tried to ask people about this Dott guy, but everyone avoids the subject. It's really weird.

"Lucy! Snap out of it!" Gray yelled at me.

"Oh sorry... I'm just so worried." I said and started looking around.

"Gray-sama... Juvia wants to go there with you... Juvia thinks that we should go search there." Juvia dragged Gray at the other way.

"Juvia, we should follow Wendy and Carla." I said to her.

"Love rival! You can't have him..." Juvia hissed at me.

"Juvia... She is right." Gray said.

"Hey! Where are you?" Wendy shouted somewhere.

"We should go now." Gray said.

He took Juvia's hand and he leaded her towards Wendy's voice. I smiled at them.

"Oh, finally... Gray shows some love..." I whispered to myself.

"Did you say something?" Juvia asked.

"No. Absolutely nothing." I smiled, but the smile faided right away when i thinked about my own love.

Gajeel's P.O.V.
*with his team

I walked throught the forest. Levy were right after me, Panther Lily flying beside me and of course Jet and Droy fighting with eachother.

"Could you guys stop?" Levy tried to calm Jet and Droy.

"Hey!" I yelled at the others.

They all looked at me like i was the weirdo.

"I think i smelled someone..." i said much quieter.

"Who is it...?" Jet and Droy asked at the same time.

I didn't have time to anwser as Panther Lily started running somewhere.

"Where are you running?" Levy started running after him.

Me, Jet and Droy ran after him too.

"Look!" Lily stopped suddenly and pointed at one bush.

"Hey... Is that..." Levy kneeled and took something from the bush.

I heard two gasps behind me.

"Salamander's scarf... With blood on it." i said.

"Yes it is..." Levy said sadly.

I took the scarf and smelled it.
"This smells like some sort of poison... Actually the blood smells like it." i said and looked at the others.

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