Meet the kids

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Ugh, stupid sound won't let me sleep. I cover my head with the pillow trying to block it. Well this pillow is harder than usual. 

"Are you awake?" I slowly open my eyes and ding myself in a hospital room. WHAT THE DONUT?! 

Oh right I'm not pregnant anymore. I lazily turn my head to the right and see Greg, he smiles brightly at me. 

"Good you're awake, the doctor wants to talk with you" Mrs. Kleen comes in the room and stands by the end of my bed. 

"Well the little girl has a little of a trouble. She is weak but she's getting better every second you should be able to leave sometime tomorrow. And I'll be back in a second with the boy" I smile at her and she leaves the room. I hope my little girl is fine, it would be very sad if something happened to her. 

After some minutes mrs. Kleen walks in again holding a light blue blanket with something inside in her arms. She slowly gives it to me and I take the little blue mess. Inside is the cutest thing I've seen in my life. A tiny baby boy with short blonde hair and kinda electric baby blue eyes. He looks pretty much like me. He looks up at me and smiles. I hear a chorus of awwws around the room. 

"He was crying all night, he only wanted his mommy" the doctor says. I look down at him and he lets out a cute yawn then falls asleep in my arms. "Do you have a name for him yet?" 

"Jack Frost" yep like the winter ghost. Greg chuckled softly. When I was a kid I heard the story and completely fell in love. I used to have a friend named Amy. We loved winter. I still do. And we made a pinky promise whoever had a son first would call him that. For me pinky promises are very important. I never break them, and everyone knows it. Amy died two years ago. She fell into a frozen lake. I was devastated. I wouldn't eat or smile. I hated winters. But then I had a dream with her and remembered our promise. So I went back to being the winter loving girl I was. Greg knows this story so well. He helped me get out of the depression. 

"Okay" she smiles and fills up some papers then leaves. I look at my baby and smile. He's so cute. I'm sure he's gonna be handsome when he grows up. Probably a charmer.  

We spend some time talking and everyone wants to carry the baby and see it. Which is nice because my arms were getting tired.  

After about two or three hours mrs. Kleen walks in again. This time with a pink blanket. Again she puts it slowly in my arms.  

"She is smaller and more delicate" she says. I nod. What I see inside is the most beautiful thing I've seen in my life. It's a beautiful baby girl with really curly and long deep chocolate brown hair and beautiful soft green eyes. She looks a lot like Harry. She looks at me and curls up in my arms before falling asleep. 

"You have a name?" 

"Darcy" Harry always said he wanted his first girl to be called like this. I remember he told me when we went on a picnic to the roof on a nice starry night. Again Kleen filled some papers and then left. The babies were both so beautiful. 


Hey there! 

Sorry it took sooooo long. 

Ill update more soon. 

If you see any errors please tell me.

Im pregnant with twins from Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now