where's Darcy?!?

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Well I know I jump a lot of time but bleh  


four years later  

I was out with the kids walking around the busy streets of London. We found a nice apartment here, it's also cheap and big so we moved out of Holmes Chapel just some months ago, because well it just had too many memories for us.  

Since Darcy learned to walk you have to keep an eye on her because she likes to run away. Whenever she spots a cute guy walking she runs to him, wraps her arms around him and look at me then ask "Daddy?" I always have to shake my head, because well we haven't seen Harry Styles walking by. They can both say a bunch of words, enough to comunicate their needs, but there's still new ones they cant pronounce. And well we understand their body language and expressions so we usually know what they need. For example Darcy refuses to say she needs to go to the bathroom, she just does the "bathroom dance" something like what Boo does in Monsters Inc.

So now Darcy is holding my hand while we walk and I have Jack in my arms. They both love to walk around.  

We sit at a little cafe we like and order the usuals. Three vanilla milkshakes. Sudenly Darcy looks at me. 

"Mommy wo ids Daddy?" I sigh. She's been asking it more recently. I think I have to tell them. It's not like if Mr. popstar is going to walk by us ever. I take a magazine and look for a One Direction poster. Jack and Darcy are looking at me with big eyes waiting. I finally find one and show them. 

"This guy, is your daddy" 

"And why did he leave us?" Jack asks his eyes sad. 

"He didn't. I left him" 

"why?" Darcy asks. 

"Because he uhh" what im i suposed to tell them he was having sex with another girl. nuhu. "Because he was with another girl" 


"I don't know" 

"didn't he love you?" 

"i guess not" 

I pay for the drinks and we leave. Suddenly I feel Darcy let go of my hand. I see her runing to a crowd of girls screaming. I quickly picck up Jack and run after her. But she gets lost in the crowd. I look aroud the girls looking for her but I can't see her. Tears start to fall from my eyes. Some girls push me or hit me but i can't care less. I then see those beautiful curls. But she isn't alone someone has her. Its a boy. But not any boy.



sooo its 11:17 so I hope you apreciate my efforts of writing. 

also im writing this with my phone so there are probably some errors but i will fix them ASAP.

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