Ugh meetings

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I was dismissed from the hospital early this morning. It was amazing to be out of that sterilized area. Of course Darcy and Jack were more than happy to see me, I don't think they exactly liked their time with Eleanor. Ever since last night I've been really nervous about this meeting, I could barely sleep. Of course I tried not to show since it would only make Harry more nervous than he already was, which I'm pretty sure its way more tan I am. As we drive through the city I try taking deep slow breaths to calm myself down. I keep telling myself it's gonna be fine. I'm not sure why I'm so worried. You know, they don't own me. If they want me to stay away from Harry it's not happening. This is my life and I'm going to love whoever I want to. Plus the idea of being away from him again isn't exactly nice or exciting.

We park in front of a huge building. It's completely grey. So serious. Harry get's down of the van and helps me after. Molly is taking care of the kids. Harry and I make our way inside the building hand in hand and I immediately feel insecure. I'm not in the same clothes I was when I came into the hospital. Like seriously I couldn't just walk around in Liam's clothes. So Molly brought me some, which are rainbow shorts and a Rainbow Dash shirt and a Nyan cat sweat shirt and black converse. Compared to all the people here wearing grey, black and white clothes I look like a fucking parakeet in the middle of a crowd of penguins. It's uncomfortable. I mean even Harry looks elegant with his dark jeans and white button up. Harry pulls me with him to the reception lady and starts talking with her. I'm not paying attention to what they say because I'm too busy being the parakeet. I look around the cold building. There's a small coffee able near the door with chairs. Probably the waiting room, some magazines are scattered nicely on the table. Some people in suits sit on the grey chairs, either looking at their phones of looking through some of the business magazines. There's a small fountain next to a long corridor full of doors. Stair leading to who knows where on the other side of the corridor. People walk talking silently all around the room. Everyone glances at me at least once before they keep walking. Some throw me nasty looks and others make fun of me silently.

A woman in an elegant skirt and jacket comes to us. She has her hair on a tight bun, not a single hair out of place. I grab Harry's hand tighter and he turns around. By now the lady is standing in front of us.

"Mr. Styles, they're ready please follow me" She says in almost a monotone voice. Harry nods and follows her pulling me with him. In the opposite direction to where the corridor is. I look up when Harry stops suddenly and makes me crash with his back. Oh, the lady was expecting us to get into an elevator, ummm no I don't think so.

"We'll take the stairs" Harry says and the lady looks at us like if we had just grown a new head but nods anyways and tells us it's in the third floor and that she'll be waiting for us there. We start climbing up and Harry let's go of my hand, which is actually good since we are both sweating. We go through the first floor in silence. In the middle of the second Harry breaks the silence.

"Don't talk unless you are asked to, speak clearly and try not to stutter or look nervous" He says and I nod. Harry stops a few steps before we reach the second floor and turns to me and I turn to him too. Ha leans in and places a soft peck on my lips. We keep climbing the stairs until we reach the top where the lady is already waiting for us. We pass a few doors before we stop in front of one on the right. The lady walks in and Harry follows, me shortly after him. Inside there's a table with people sitting around it. Everyone's looking so elegant and serious. Fucking perfect, everyone's gonna think I'm retarded or something. Way to go Becka you chose the best day to dress as a 3 year old.

"Sit please" A man says slightly pointing to two chairs in front of us. Harry and I sit down. I try my best to do it like a lady but I'm pretty sure I failed.

"There are some rumors about you two dating, are they true?" Another guy asks looking at me closely.

"Yes sir" Harry says confidently.

"Harry we would like to speak with her in private" a woman says. Harry nods and rubs my shoulder as he leaves. Once he is out the door they turn to me.

"What's your name?"

"Becka Peppermint" I say quietly.

"How do you know Harry?"

"We are old friends"

"You have kids right" I nod. "Who's the father?"

"Harry" I say barely above a whisper.

"Are you sure?" I nod again.

"He's the only one I've ever had sex with"

They keep asking me stuff about me, I answer everything with short non-detailed answers.

"What do you want to get away from Harry?" They ask.

"I'm not leaving him" I say shaking my head no.

"We aren't asking you ARE leaving him"

"You don't own me, this is my life and I can do whatever the hell I want" I say angrily, glaring at them. Huff who do they think they are? Bossing me around, no.

"Very well, wait outside and tell Harry to come in" I nod and go for Harry, who is standing besides the door.

"Is it over?" He says hugging me.

"Nope, it's your turn" I say and he nods. I kiss his cheek and he goes inside. I look to my left and find a small bench. Was it there before I got in? Neh, whatever. I sit down on the cold metal bench and play with the end of my shirt, waiting for Harry. I hear screaming and arguing from the other side of the door. I can't make out any words but I know I probably got Harry in trouble. But then, they stop. I can still hear them talking but not screaming anymore. Oh God.



Sup? I hope that's long. Oh guess what? My exams are about to start [noooooooooooooooooooooo!] But they are only two weeks long and vacations come after so WATEVUR! LOL I should be studying. Tho Monday's English and music, so they're pretty easy. [yay]

Love ya ;)


Do you like Harry Potter? If you f¿do, what house would you like to be in?

I do, I'm obsessed with it. I would love to be in Slytherin and that's what I normally get, except on Pottermore. I got sorted into Hufflepuff. [And what the hell is a Hufflepuff? (AVPM)LOL] :P

I know that was random but WATEVUR!

Love ya, again.Pineapples

Almost 100,000 reads? That's CRAYZAY! I love you so much! :*

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