Pinky promise

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I explained everything to Louis and he seemed to understand the story perfectly. 

"But why don't you tell him? In fact I think he would be happy and exited rather than angry" 

"Well maybe, but what about the media, it wouldn't exactly be good publicity" 

"Fuck the media!" 

"I don't think modest will think the same way. And what about your fans. For what I know you guys have many of those and there's a big bunch of Harry girls, they would be so upset and mad" he sighs loudly, defeated. 

"Yeah you're right. They would be so sad. And the amount of hate on you and the kids would be HUGE. But your friend is right, he has the right to know" 

"I know, but his career is more important than me" he gasps loudly. 

"Becka Peanut Banana!" He says not knowing my last names making me smile slightly and grabs my shoulders shaking me. "Don't ever think that again. And much less do you dare to say it in his face! You should've seen how much he suffered without you! He would ditch this whole thing just for you! When he came into the bus with you I say this spark in his eyes. They normally look so empty and sad. He only has that look when we do something for the directioners. Don't you see you complete him? Tho I'm not telling you to go back to him, after what he did it shouldn't be that easy. If he wants you back he will have to fight for you!" I smile at him and he pulls me into a warm hug. "Now come on Peanut lets watch a movie" I nod and he starts pulling me towards the door. 

"Wait!" I exclaim. He stops dead in his track and turns to me with a questioning look. "Pinky promise me you won't tell Harry" I tell him holding my pinky up. He chuckles and wraps his pinky with mine. 

"I pinky promise not to tell Harry about this" 

"Not to tell me about what?" Harry is standing in the door with a curious look on his face. 

Oh shit.


Yay! Sorry it's short but it's 3:04 am and my brain is not working very good.

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