Concert night, new friends and bleeding noses

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So its been a few days. Of course we are still traveling by plane. At least most of the time. Every time I go out I get spotted by a couple of fans. Of course I'm always nice to them. I mean, like the ones I've met are really nice girls,  so it' always nice to be with them. Surprisingly no one has questioned me about the kids. I honestly thought that would be the fist thing they would ask. You know, instead of asking how big Harry is. But I guess it's better this way. We avoid drama.

Talking about Harry he's been looking pretty stressed out lately. I mean, like sometimes he looks like he is about to explode or something. I think it's because of what the media says about us. If you wanna see it in a romantic way you could say it's because they keep calling me "His new whore" which I do find a bit hurtful but it doesn't affect me much. Of course he's always been a bit overprotective with me. I literally give zero fucks to what people think about me, but sometimes I think he cares a bit too much. There's obviously a bunch of girls on the social networks that are mad at me and keep calling me names and saying offensive things. But I honestly not give a damn. I usually don't reply, unless they get on my nerves. And that's when my monster comes out. Since I have a lot of experience with this kind of hate I know what to tell them so they shut up. My favourite is to simply ask them I'm sorry, but who's the one dating the pop star? they usually shut up after that. Harry always wants to answer them, but I usually stop him. I don't want him to get in trouble with his fans because of me.

Today the boys want me to go to their concert. At first I said no. Like who's going to take care of the kids if we are all gone? But turns out Lou, their stylist, has a daughter and since her husband came to visit she said he could take care of my kids as well. Her daughter's name is Lux, and the three kids have been playing happily since she got to the hotel.

I sit in the bed of my room thinking of what to wear tonight. Psh whatever. I'll just wear some random clothes. I pull out some shorts, since it's pretty damn hot here. Oh yeah did I mentioned we changed continents? No, well, we're in Australia now. Sydney, to be exact.  It's nice. I love the sea and the city, not to mention the hot surfers of the bay, of witch, by the way, I have a nice view from the hotel window. No I don't exactly feel bad for drooling for other boys. It's not like if I'll ever have the chance to get them. Plus I have Harry what else can I ask for? I look through my bag and pull out a white shirt. But it's not just a white shirt. It's a One Direction shirt, with the red  logo in the back. A fan gave it to me yesterday when we got to the airport. It has the names of the boys and other thing related to them drawn everywhere. On the front it says HARRY GIRL with big colourful letters. I honestly think its beautiful, I love it. It has her twitter and tumblr on the tag of the shirt. I already made the guys follow her, well at least Niall and Zayn, who are her favourites. I put on the shirt and look for my rainbow converse and some mustachio socks. I put them on and look at myself in the mirror. I smile satisfied. I may not be a model but damn do I look nice.

 I make my way to Niall's room, that is where Lou is so she can borrow me a hair brush since I lost mine somewhere in the room this morning.

In the end not only does she lend me a hair brush but she does my hair too. a nice bow made with my hair. It's absolutely amazing. Niall comes out of the bathroom in sweats and a shirt and smiles when he sees me.

"You look hot Becka" He says. I blush slightly. It's not that often that a pop star, besides Harry, tells me I'm hot.

"hey Niall can you take Lou and I a picture?" He nods and I hand him my phone. Lou protests that she is  not wearing good clothes. But in the end I convince her. That woman looks good in everything she wears. I post the picture on Tumblr and Twitter with a small caption. "@randomtwitterusername gave me this awesome shirt and Lou did my hair. More than ready for the concert tonight xx" I get a bunch of answers right away but I just put my phone away when Liam yells it's time to go.

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