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So we've been traveling around the USA for the past weeks. I've grown really close to Louis in that time he really does remind me of Joseph. I can tell Harry thinks there's something more between us than only friendship but doesn't do anything about it.

Amanda what's to pick up the kids but I refuse. I remember this one night we had this argument because she said she didn't what HER kids in such a messy environment. And I was like No Bitch they aren't your kids they didn't stretch your stomach or rip your vagina, did they? NO!

I don't think she will ever make that mistake again.

Also Louis and Zayn took me out one day, and we did some shopping! It was amazing. I got clothes for Darcy, Jack and me and I also got some baby stuff for them.

Today we are going to the airport, actually scratch that. Some guards are going to the airport, I'm not sure why tho. And no one bothered to try to explain me. I think they are going to pick up someone or something like that.

Right now we are all squished up in my room's bed watching some movie. Its a romantic comedy, pretty good by the way. We are all tied up like pretzels I didn't even know we could do this kind of positions. I literally don't know where my leg ends and Niall´s begin. At least I can more or less imagine because of our clothes.

There's a loud knock on the door and we all turn to look at it expectantly. It isn't locked is it? We all groan when we realize it is locked. Wow what's with all the coordination?

We look at each other waiting for someone to stand up and open the door.

"Oh wait I have a key" We hear a guard say. The door starts to open slowly, until a brown haired girl pushes it open aggressively. Walking in like she owned the place.  A younger girl with dirty blonde hair walks in after her.

"Eleanor!" Louis exclaims.

"Molly!" Zayn smiles. They both try to stand up at the same time but since we are all tied up they fail miserably and fall making us all fall down with them. I land on top of Louis, Niall on top of me, Darcy on top of him. Liam on top of Zayn. Harry pulls Jack with him and they both fall on top of everyone else. We're all just quiet for a moment before we burst out laughing. I think Molly girl joins in too and we are all just laughing our asses off.

Once we quiet down Eleanor clears her throat and Louis looks up at her. He pushes us off him and he strands up and brushes the dirt off of him. Then he pulls Eleanor into a hug. Zayn starts to pull me up until..

"Zaynie Boo" Molly screams and he lets go of me making me fall on my butt and he runs to her pulling her into a tight hug. Niall laughs at me and pulls me up.

"El, this is Becka she's Harry's old friend" Louis introduces us.

"Nice to meet you" I say holding my hand out with a smile. She looks me up and down before replying with a shots "Mhm" and turning back to Louis. 

Okay, first impression of Eleanor. Total bitch.

"Helloooo its really nice to meet you, I'm Zayn's girlfriend. My name is Molly but people usually call me Molls. Your name's Becka right? Beautiful name for a beautiful girl. Zayn has told me a lot of things about you" Molly said all of that so quickly and in one breath  barely catch it,  while shaking my hand frantically smiling real big at the end. As I take in all of the information I can only nod at her.

Okay Molly has a lot of energy.


Helooooooo pineapleeessss

I know, short. But I promise the next one will be longer. I know I always say that, but this time its true.

Thanks for your ideas I got it all sorted out and planned a few more things.


Harry might be knowing he is a daddy soon ;)

I love you very much-


well. this Friday is my birthday, im turning 15.

wby? how old are you or when is your birthday?

PD: Did you wish Harry a happy 20 Birthday? I did. :D

Im pregnant with twins from Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now