The amazing world of Twitter

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When we get to the bus all of the boys are looking at a laptop. Louis quickly comes to me and pulls me into a room.

"Sooooo... spill!" He says shaking my shoulders.

"well we had a nice deep talk, then we got some ice-cream and started an ice-cream fight"

"that's all?"

"yeah.... why?"

"your face is all over the internet pictures of you and Harry holding hands and him kissing your nose"

"oh yeah there where some paparazzi around, but he was just reassuring me about hate and this, and that.... but nothing happen" Louis nods his head and lets me go. "Now I wanna check my twitter, can I use your laptop?"

"Yep let me go get it" he gets out and I do too. I go and sit on the couch besides Niall.

"Hey were are the kids" I say looking around searching.

"Oh, they fell asleep, we tucked them in the bed" he says not taking his eyes off the TV.

"Thanks man" I say and kiss his cheek, which turns a light shade of pink. I giggle and Louis runs in holding a laptop. He sits next to me and places it on my legs. "Thanks Lou" I say and logg into twitter.

"What? Do I not get a kiss?" he says and pouts. I smile at the boy and kiss his cheek.

"Hey I want a kiss too"

"yeah, not fair"

"can I get one?"

"how do we get one" the rest protest and fake cry or whine.

"Oh you are all just big babies" I lean in and kiss each boy on their cheeks. "happy now?" they all nod with goofy smiles on their faces. I jokingly roll my eyes and go back to my twitter. If I had been drinking water I would have choked. My Inbox and mentions are full. There are so may I half expected there to be three dots instead of numbers. I decide to check my Inbox first.

'Who are you anyways?'

'Eww you're ugly'

'Why are you back, we where better without you'

'Harry is mine bitch'

'Get away from the boys you attention seeker'

'Dont destroy Larry, slut'

Many other mean tweets where after plus some asking me to please make a video and explain. Now if this would have been my first time with fan hate I would be crying in a corner eating like a pig feeling ugly and sorry for myself. But well its not exactly the first time I get tons of hate from people I don't know, so I guess you could say I'm used to. In the end I'm a teen mom and a youtuber. I quickly check my mentions finding it full of hate too. I search for my name and top tweet is one of Niall which says:

@NiallOfficial: looks like @Louis_Tomlinson and @lonelybecks are still in their happy ""marriage""

Then there's a picture of Louis holding me up his head tilted backwards as he laughs and a huge smile on my face. Well we definitely look like a "couple". After there are many other tweets with pictures of me and Harry in the park today, doing all kinds of stuff: running, laughing, talking, eating ice cream, walking, holding hands, and him kissing my nose, the kids not far from us in all pictures. Well I can see why people are mad, I mean there's me and Louis and there's also me and Harry. And in both cases we look like a happy couple. Great. 

@lonelybecks: thanks for all your loving and inspiring tweets people i really appreciate it

As soon as I hit the send button people start attacking me with questions and insults.

"Hey boys what should I do with the hate?"

"I think you both should talk to management first and then clear things up" Louis says . His head is resting on my shoulder.

"Ok" I sigh and close the laptop then place it on the table. Louis snuggles closer to me and covers himself with a blanket.

"you're so warm" he tells me smiling.

"why tank you huzzy"

"no problem nugget" from tho corner of my eye I see Harry... glaring?

nah, I'm just tired. I think before falling asleep.



you didnt answear the question.

since whan do the boys know paul?

If you dont know ill just act like its since x factor days, so dont complain.

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