How to take care of crying babies. For Dummies

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Hey guys I couldn't sleep so I said

"Hey why not?'

And here I am sweating and writing at 1:49 am with my imaginary friend, Esteban, telling me lame jokes about unicorns.

I need a life

"I... Uhhh... We where just....umm?" Harry and I both look at Louis as he looks for an excuse. Flack! he is a terrible liar.

"It's a surprise Harry, if we tell you it would ruin the surprise" I finally tell him after watching Louis struggle with the words long enough. Harry nods not exactly convinced but satisfied for now.

Then my phone starts playing Fuck up by Shane Dawson. That song can only mean one thing.

The kids are gonna wake up. I quickly run to it and turn off the alarm. Then go to my bag and take out their pacifiers and then run to the small kitchen with their bottles and put them with the milk in the microwave.

Just as I hear the 'Ding' I hear Jack's cries. I run back to the room and pick him up and hand him his bottle. Then Darcy starts crying too.

"Can any if you pick her up and give her the bottle" I yell at all of the boys who were standing there like dumbs. Harry quickly runs to her and gives her the bottle. She takes it and curls up in Harry's arms.

They're not gonna fall asleep and I know as soon as they finish the bottles they will start crying. Unless...

Boop! I have an idea!

"Can you sing for them?" All of the boys look at me like if I just grew a new head. "That will help them sleep" they nod understanding.

"I'll go for my guitar" Blondie boy says and runs out of the room. Minutes later he's back with a guitar in his hands. He softly starts playing a song.

Soon the boys are all singing and watching as Darcy and Jack slowly fall asleep.

Once I'm sure they're sleeping I lay them on the bed and sigh exhausted.

"Well, now you know how to calm them down" I tell them smiling and they nod happily. I close my eyes and lay my head on the wall.

At least now they know how to help.

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