How I met the mop of curls and dinner

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"So it was a cold night. That day had been one of my worst days ever...


"Get out of the way freak!"

"You should just kill yourself instead of just getting in the way of everyone to ruin their lives!"

"Maybe if you die God will give us Joseph back!"

Insults where being screamed here and there. I try covering my ears so I wouldn't have to listed to their insults. But it was useless. This day couldn't have been worse.

First in the morning my alarm clock didn't ring so I had to rush and just wear anything. I couldn't eat breakfast and I literally had to run behind the bus the whole way to school. I was late for math (Again), because some jocks held me back. Then they hid my books so I had to write on napkins, not the best idea. They stole my money for lunch (classic). Also while in PE they stole my clothes while I tried to take a quick shower, I don't normally do it, but I really smelt horrible from all the sweat. So I was naked for almost an hour, which means I lost two classes. I found my clothes back in my locker when I tried telling the principal, so he just lectured me about making up excuses to skip classes and how wrong it was to  walk around the school only in a towel.  Plus all of the teachers getting angry for literally every single question I asked, or mistake I made. I also had to pee, I NEVER use the school bathrooms but I couldn't hold it anymore and I had to go. Lets just say there are pictures of me trying to pee all over the internet because of the stupid girls who decided it would be fun to invade my privacy with their stupid little phones. And now they are all telling me the worst insults, the ones that they say once or twice a week, but all together, at the same time, with punches and kicks added.

So to sum it up, I am not exactly having the best day ever. This is actually the worst day of my life and I'm not over reacting.

I curl into a ball on the floor as the tears make their way down my face. I feel people kicking me, insulting me and some even spitting on me from all directions. A while later they get bored and start to leave. Once I'm sure they're all gone I try to stand up, but the pain on my ribs and... my hole body is just to much. I get all worm like and drag myself out of the horrible scene.

A lot of pain and work latter I reach a familiar bridge, near my house. With the help of one of the columns I stand up. Stings of pain coming from every single part of my body. I clean the blood from my mouth with the back of my mouth and look at the horizon.

All of the insults from today and the ones since the accident come to me. Every single word or action someone did to make me feel bad, useless and/or guilty hits me like a rock. More tears fall from my eyes as I realise they are right. everyone is.

I'm useless.

I should be dead.

It was MY fault that he died.

Why am I even still alive?

Nobody needs me.

Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to finally jump.

To stop being in this horrible world and to go and join Joseph.

He's the only one who ever cared for me in the end.

I painfully get on the other side of the bridge to stand on the very edge. I look down at the running water. It's probably freezing but who cares. I close my eyes and prepare myself to let go and jump. I take a deep breath and close my eyes tighter. My had looses contact with the column and I lean forward. A smile makes it's way to my mouth as I think of seeing Joseph again. Of never getting insulted or punched again. Of not having to feel guilty ever again.

But before I can finally jump I feel arms hold me back, preventing me from jumping. I gasp both from  surprise and pain. The mysterious person pulls me back making me groan in pain from the contact. They lift me up carefully and lay me on the other side, on the cold highway. I open my eyes and find myself staring at the most beautiful pair of green eyes staring back at me. The boy has brown curly hair. I recognize him from a local bakery, Joseph and I used to go from time to time. I don't have time to think before I faint.

I wake up at a light blue room. An oh so familiar room. I try to move but  groan in pain when my ribs start hurting suddenly.

"No, no, no, no, don't move love" the guy from the bakery says as pushes me back softly so I'm laying back on the bed.

Why is he here?

"Why are you here?" I ask after a minute of silence.

"Well I couldn't just let you jump or die or get sick there"

"Oh" for some reason I'm disappointed.

"You're too beautiful for that" He says smiling making me blush a deep shade o red. Nobody has ever called me beautiful except for Joseph.


"And that's how I met the mop of curls"

"Awwwwww, that is the most beautiful thing I've ever heard" Louis says smiling and hugging me making me giggle.

"Hey guys wanna have dinner?" Zayn says from the other side of the door.

"Sure!" we both scream back and stand up from the bed. We run out of the room and get in the elevator where the rest of the boys and my kids are standing. Jack opens his arms and I pick him up.

We get to the hotel door and into one of the vans. Jack is on my lap and Niall is sitting to my right, the window to my right and Harry besides Niall. Darcy is with Louis, Zayn and Liam behind us Jack, Niall and I make faces at each other for the hole way. Not later we arrive to a restaurant and immediately get seated. Jack on my right, Darcy on his right and Harry to my left. We order our food and joke around while we wait.

"Hey Darcy show mommy what I made for you." Zayn sais from in front of me. Darcy claps her hand excited and lifts up her sleeve to show me a "tattoo" of a baby panda Zayn made, probably with a pen.

"Wow that's such a cool tattoo honey" I say and she giggles and nods her head. We eat our food chatting and jockeying while we do so. In the middle of dinner Harry took my hand from under the table and held it softly rubbing it with his thumb like he always does. I don't pull away but actually hold his hand back giving it a slight squeeze. From the corner of my eye I see him smiling like he did when e first started dating. That cute goofy smile like if he was the happiest kid in the world.



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Im from Mexico :) woohoo

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love youuuuuu

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