Masterpiece and Brrreakfast

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I carefully turn around to face Harry's sleeping face. I trace his perfect face with my fingertips until I see the smile make its way into his face.

"It tickles" I say in his morning voice making me giggle. He slowly opens his eyes to look at me, still smiling. He leans in and places a soft kiss on my lips. He sighs and lies on his back. I place my head on his chest, hearing the soft sound of his heartbeat, feeling his chest go up and down as he breathes, his hand playing with my hair.

"We should get up; don't you have stuff to do today?" I ask him tracing his tattoos with my fingers.

"Nah, it's a free day" He says yawning. I sit up quickly which surprises him and makes his hands fly away from me.

"Then we should go and look around the city" I say clapping excitedly. He groans and rolls his eyes. "I slap his chest jokingly.”Don't roll your eyes at me" He does it again, challenging me. I glare at him and he sits up and rolls his eyes again. "Stop it!" I yell laughing and pushing his chest with my hands. He catches them there and pulls me to him. He kisses me and just when he breaks the kiss he rolls his eyes again. "Harry" I whine throwing my head back.

"Whaaat" He whines, mimicking my movements.

"Ugh you're impossible" I say pulling away from him and making my way to the bathroom. I hear him laugh behind me but pay no attention. My eyes soon land on my reflection in the mirror making me gasp loudly. This makes Harry laugh louder.

My neck, chest, stomach, thighs, basically my whole body is full of love bites. There are small bruises on my hips from his fingers and a few red scratches on my thighs.

"Harold!" I scream angrily at him making my way back to the room. He sits on the bed his hands behind his head and an innocent look and smile on his face, the white blanket covering the lower part of his body. I stand  at the foot of the bed with my arms crossed over my chest.

"What?" He asks.

"What the hell!" I scream pointing at my marked body.

"I see you discovered my masterpiece" He says now smirking at me.

 "You really are impossible" I say throwing my arms in the air dramatically. In less than I can even say 'tacos' the door is flung open and Niall bursts in. He was about to yell something when his eyes land on my naked bum. In half a second Harry throws the blanket at me. Since I wasn’t even looking at him it catches me by surprises and makes me fall back the blanket covering nothing but my whole face. I hear Harry groan and make his way to the door, probably pushing Niall out and screaming at him "Stop staring mate!" Before he slams it shut.

"Well, I'm not the only one who saw your masterpiece now" I say from the floor, quoting what he had said to me before.

“Shut up” He groans. I sit up and remove the blanket from my face. I see Harry walk away towards the bathroom and laugh loudly when my eyes land on the scratches of his back. He turns around and I see the love bites on his chest and a few on his neck. This makes me laugh harder. “What?” He snaps. I answer still giggling lightly.

“You are not the only one who did a masterpiece” I say. He looks at me confused for a second before he runs to the bathroom. He comes back and jumps on top of me.

“What the-“He kisses me once more.

“We should get changed” He says between kisses. “If you want us to go see the city of course” I push him off of me and go to look through his suitcase for something to wear. I left some clothes in his bag because I couldn't find mine a few nights ago, I take out a tank top and on top a thin long sleeved shirt to cover the love bites, and some shorts and black tights, to cover the red lines and marks on my legs.

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