Merry Chistmas- Last chapter

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 Alright, alright it's been a moth so last chapter, *sigh* let’s do this.

Oh and please don't hate me if I get any details of his family wrong. I'm just gonna invent them all 'cause YOLO.

Couple days later

***Harry's POV***

 Everything's all right now.

I was very anxious and worried the minutes before she got operated. To be honest I really thought she would make it. Everything and everyone said she would. But in the end, it didn't really matter, because she didn't do it.

Of course that after the news I tried to appear sad, and I ended up crying. But they were happy tears. I felt terrible for feeling happy, because she was gone, but I couldn't really hold it back.

"Okay, either you stop smiling like a creep and start making dinner, or I swear I'll just push you into the fangirls." I turn around and see Gemma leaning on the counter smiling at me.

"Sorry, I was just thinking" I answer and reach out for one of the pans to start making some dinner so I won't get thrown into the fangirls.

"I could see that. What were you thinking about anyway?"

"Cooking you for Christmas" I tell her shrugging. She fake gasps and throws some random object at me. This hits me in the head and turns out to be an apple. I bend down to pick it up and clean it on my shirt, taking a bite of it after. "Where's mum?" I ask her through a mouthful of apple.

"What are you gonna tell her I just hit you in the head with an apple?"

"Yeah, I'm going to go pout until she feels bad and buys me an ice cream while she scolds you and I watch happily" I tell her smiling.

"She's obviously upstairs with her grandchildren. She was so excited when you got here last night. I could barely hold her back so they could sleep" Gemma answers, laughing softly at the memory.

"Hey Gemma, can you take me shopping?" Becka asks walked nag into the room. My sister claps her hands excitedly.

"Of course. I'll go for my purse" she answers running out the room smiling.

"I think she's a little excited" Becka tells me giggling.

"Of course she is. She complains about my mom and the kids, but she's just the same." I say making my way over to her and pulling her into a hug. "Why do you want to go shopping?"

"Oh, it's just some last minute gifts" She answers simply.

"I could've gone with you"

"Nope, you still have to cook the dinner, and by the looks of it I don't think you have even started yet."

"Yeah you're right" He says chuckling and looking back at the empty pans on the stove. "But here, take this" He says reaching into the pocket on his pants and takes out his wallet, handing me a credit card. I shake my head and push it back towards him.

"No, Harry don't"

"Yes Harry do" He answers, proud of his lame joke and hands it back to me, but I push it away once more. We fight like that for a bit more until he groans annoyed. "God damn it babe just take it!" He shouts at me and slips the card into my bra.

"Alright I'm ready, let’s go" Gemma says taking Beckas hand and pulling her away from me through the door before I can take the card out. I see Harry smiling and waving before pointing at his chest and winking as Gemma pulls me away. And before she closes the door I give Harry the finger and hear his laugh echo around the house.

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