Nobody compares to you

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I soothe the fabric of the dress again. My hands are shaking and I feel almost as nervous as I felt when I was going to give birth, which is exaggerating because I was extremely nervous back then. But I am very nervous. I brush my hair for the thousandth time and look nervously at my reflection in the mirror, I apply a new layer of lipstick and rub my lips together hard. I see Michael come behind me and he wraps his arms around my waist.

"Don't be so nervous" he tells me softly. "You look stunning." I smile at him on the mirror. I look at the clock in the bedside table and sigh.

"It's time" I say, my voice barely above a whisper. He squeezes my shoulders and hands me a sweater. We make our way to the living room where Amanda and Greg are waiting, sitting on the couch talking about something that's probably really random. The kids are sleeping upstairs in Amandas room, because they fell asleep while playing with her earlier.

"Awe you look so beautiful!" Amanda squeals excitedly as soon as we make our way into the room. I blush at her works and Greg intertwines our arms.

"Yeah, you look amazing hun, lets go" He pulls me out the door and we make our way to his car, he opens the door for me and I get in he closes it and runs to his side of the car, getting in and starting the engine.

"Whoa dude, chill. I'm supposed to be the nervous one here" I tell him laughing.

"Sorry, this is just very exciting, it's so romantic" he says smiling back at me.

He drives quietly and I can feel my nerves consume me. The closer we get, the more nervous I feel. He parks and looks at me.

"Don't be nervous, it's going to be okay" he gets out and I do too. He takes my hand and we start walking into the forest. 'Our special place' is a tiny kiosk in the middle of this park, which is a beautiful forest. We found it once in a trip and we absolutely loved it, we promised we would go there often once we got married and moved to London, we'll see about that.

"Oh shoot! I forgot my phone in the car, I've got to go back for it!" Greg says letting go of my hand and starting to run in the opposite direction.

"Wait, should I wait for you?" I ask him, shouting.

"Nah, you keep walking" he says turning around to answer me before going back to running away. I groan and keep walking, trying to find the path in the dark.

***Harry's POV***

"She's on her way, good luck lad."

"Thanks" I hang up the phone and turn to the boys. "she's coming, how do I look?" I ask looking down and fixing my suit. I keep straightening my necktie until Zayn's hand slaps it away.

"Stop ruining it, you look fine" He puts it back in place.

"Alright, you ready?" Sandy asks strumming some cords on his bass.

"Yeah" I breathe out smiling nervously. "I really hopes this'll work somehow."

"I'm sure it will" Liam says rubbing my shoulder before we all get in our places. We hear the crushing of leaves near by and we all turn in that direction getting ready to start.

I really do hope this works.

***Becka's POV***

Once I get close to our meeting place I start to hear soft music playing. Of course I recognized the song instantly, just that this time it was being softly played live and it was much slower than the one in the CD. And before I know it I'm running and then I'm standing in front of Harry, and the rest of the boys as they sing and I just want to jump on top of him, but I know he probably wants to finish singing first so I let him continue. They're all suited up and look so elegant, and Harry looks as nervous as I feel, and it's all so beautiful I can barely hold myself back. The area is illuminated by a couple of candles and the flowers that grow all around the kiosk make it look so beautiful. There's a hole in the leaves of the trees that allow the moon light to shine all around, and glob Harry just looks so perfect in this kind of light.

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