Super Ultra Mega Best Friends

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Woah what? That was unexpected. He loves me? As in... more than friends way? Oh.... I don't love him.

Do I?

Thoughts rush in my head back and forth like bombs in a war, all I can do is open and close my mouth like a fish out of the water. No actual words come out, just things like bu, oh, I, umm, You, do, luv, huh. Suddenly my voice comes back, I clear my throat and look up, taking deep breaths, but as soon as I look into his expecting eyes, my voice runs away and my brain disconnects. Again I force my self back together and catch my voice. I take a deep breath and look into his eyes once more.

"Wait, what?" He looks surprised by my answer and he clears his throat to speak again.

"I said, I love you, as in more than friends"

"But, but, we are more than friends" I state and his face turns even more confused. "We are best friends". I state proudly.

"No I mean more"

"Like super ultra mega best friends" Aaaaaand he facepalms. He was about to say something else but a fat man with no shirt on and barely any hair walks in and starts exercising interrupting our super ultra mega best friends talk. Louis shakes his head and is about to continue when another man comes in and starts exercising too. Louis sighs and starts again but before any sound leaves his mouth Niall comes in.

"Hey mate are yo-" Louis lets out a desperate scream and after he lets his anger out he turns to Niall.

"Yes buddy?" he asks sweetly.

"Phone meeting" he stated quickly before running out scared. Louis rubs his temples and sighs. Again.

"We'll talk later hun" He leaves the gym cussing under his breath and pouting. I shrug and walk out too. I reach the lobby and look around it. I spot a familiar looking boy on one of the cream colored seats looking down at his phone. I silently walk over. Standing behind him I reach for bis beanie and pull it down his face.

"What the-" he cant finish because I jump on his lap laughing hysterically at his confused face before a smirk finds its way into his mouth. "Oh hey there Becks"

"Hey Jordan"

I hear some screaming from the right. I look at the corridor and watch as a very pissed off Harry walks towards the elevator. He stops and looks at me for a second then at Jordan before his anger kicks again and e stomps to the elevator.

Wow someone's mad.


Why hello you there.

I saw all of your beautiful comments on the last chapter and decided to update. The girl up there was the pineapple on the third comment so she won a dedication :)

oh, you want one too?


then be the Fourth comment and you'll get one.

Love you pineapples come back later for more of IPWTFHS 

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