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Harry's POV

I wake up sweating a small scream leaves my lips as I sit up straight. I adjust my eyes to the darkness in the room. I look around fanatically until my eyes land on Becka's sleeping figure on my lap. I sigh in relief and hug her tightly. I clean the tears off my eyes and look at her. Just now realising she is still sleeping. The images of my dream come back to me and I panic. I shake her but she doesn't react. I hear the voices on the top. The door slightly opening. A fireman poking his head.

"Sir you have to get out of here" I am about to answer about my sleeping girlfriend until I realised that would repeat my dream. I get up and hold Becka in my arms bridal style.

"Her first"

"But sir-"

"I said her!" Yeah I feel guilty for screaming at the man who is trying to save my life, but at the moment all I want, is her safety. The fireman nods his head and calls for Billy and they get Becka out. I hear the squeaking of the metal against the walls from the elevator but I push panic away and, with the help of firemen, get out of the elevator. A male nurse takes Becka and gets her into one of those hospital beds with wheels and rolls her away. I try to follow them but a guard, Jake,  pulls me with him.

"Everybody evacuate!" The fireman shouts and everyone runs from the falling metal. Jake wraps his arms around me and I feel the warm air rush around me and then hear the crashing sound. Nurses pull me into an ambulance after that to do some checking and the firemen take care of the burning metal. After they are done making sure I'm fine the boys rush to me and attack me with bone crushing hugs. They tell me how worried and scared they were.

"Hadwy, Hawdy!" I turn to my left and see Darcy running to me, the girls and Jack behind her. I pick her up and she wraps her arms around my neck and sobs. I calm her down and rub circles on her back. She raises her head and I clean her tears.

"Don't cry baby, we're all right" I tell her smiling. She smiles back and hides her head on my neck again. Jack runs to me too.

"Hadwy where's mommy?" I look at them and smile.

"She's all right they just took her to the hospital to make sure she's completely fine" I answer, happy I don't have to tell them she just died.

We drive as fast as we can to the hospital. I run faster than the rest to the receptionist.

"I'm sorry what room is Becka Peppermint in?" She smiles flirty at me before answering.

"Room 308 handsome, I think only family can visit but I'll give her pretty friend an exception" I nod thank her and tell everyone to wait since only family is allowed but she made an exception with me. I run through he stairs. Because I don't think I'll be able to take an elevator anytime soon. I reach her floor and look around the numbers on the doors until I find hers. I knock softly on the door but don't get any answer. I slowly open it and my heart feels sad and happy at the same time. She lays in the bed looking pale and a bit weak. The monitor beeping with her heart. She's sleeping so peacefully. I slowly make my way to the bed. I sit on the chair besides her and take her hand rubbing it softly. She turns her head to me and opens her eyes really slowly.

"Harry" She says in a raspy and weak voice a small smile forming on her lips.

"Shhh, babe I'm here" I stroke her check and she closes her eyes happily.

A doctor walks in moments later. HE doesn't even questions if I'm family just starts talking.

"Mrs Peppermint, if it wasn't for the boy sitting beside you, you would be dead. The machinery of the elevator was weak and as the elevator went up and down it was making smoke with dangerous gases come from it. You fainted because your body breathed too much of that air and it was already weak. A bit more in there and you might have died. Now you will be able to leave tomorrow morning we just want to have you here in case something happens." With that he leaves.

"You saved me" She whispers, her voice sounding surprisingly better than before. I turn to her and smile. "You're my hero"

"Well, you're my uhh," I searched in my brain for any princess my mind blank. "Zelda" I smile proudly.

"You're my Link" I kiss her forehead and smile.


while I was writing the last chapter I was laughing so much thinking of how mad you guys might get. when I posted it and my sister was reading it my mom was talking to me about this snake that ate a crocodile and I kept looking at her reactions. When she was done the first thing she did was punch me. I mean she was practically throwing furniture at me, not chairs but more like a whole sofa.

It was so much fun since I knew she didn't die. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, probably more than the last one.

Enjoy that old gif

love you pineapples :D  

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