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Becka's POV

Hours before...

So the guys left to the concert leaving me with Molly and Rebecca. Eleanor was with the kids because they couldn't come in yet, ant that honestly made me a bit nervous. I don't exactly know or trust Eleanor, and the idea of her being with my kids gave me the creeps.

"Here babe I brought you a laptop, I'm not sure who's, chips and your cell phone." Molly says happily handing me a bag with the stuff in it. Rebecca sent her for things to keep us busy. I take the laptop and instantly recognize it as Zayn's. I get on twitter and look around my mentions. Many people where asking about what happened back at the hotel, you know because of the ambulance and fire truck. I just tell them Harry and I got stuck inside an elevator. They don't have to know it fell after we got out or that I almost died.

I take the bag of chips and start to eat them the way I always do: with enormous unattractive fist size portions. 

I hear This is Halloween coming from my right and look at my phone as it rings, telling me Harry is calling. I pick it up and answer.

"Hey Hazza" I say with my mouth full of chips.

"Hey baby I have a question" He says nervously.

"Yeah?" I ask a bit worried.

"Can I, can I tell the umm," there's a pause "CanItellthefanswe'redatting?" Whaaaaaaaat the fuck did he just say? "Baby?" 

"Uh, yeah, I guess it's, umm fine with me"

"It is? Oh God, thank you!" he says happily then hangs up. Okay then, bye. I think he asked if he could pay the fan we're taking? I have no idea I just hope it was something not very important.

Some time goes by and my twitter goes from What happened at the hotel? to Who the fuck is Harry dating? Once the concert is over I look at some videos from it, when Harry talks about how his girlfriend made him wear Toms. Just minutes later Harry and the boys enter the room.

"Harry" I tell him calmly, too calmly.

"Y-yeah?" He asks looking at me nervously.

"Why did you tell the fans you where dating someone?!" I scream. By now we are alone. Which means the rest probably went for something at the candy machine or they teleported to Africa, who knows.

"I called to ask you!" He exclaims defensively.

"No You didn-.... Oh" Oh, so that's what he asked.

"But..." He sighs he looks a bit worried witch makes me worry. "Management wants to talk to us, tomorrow"

"Aaand that's... umm bad?" I say but it sounded more as a question. He runs his hands through his hair and sighs again before answering.

"No well, yes, I don't know. It could." He looks so stressed and nervous. I sit up and pat the bed so he sits in front of me.

"Don't be nervous if you don't know what to expect" I tell him trying to make him relax. I place my hand on his cheek and he leans onto it.

"Hope for the best but expect the worst" He says looking down. I make him look back up and lean in to place a soft kiss on his lips. Every time I kiss him my heart beats faster which can clearly be heard on the monitor besides me.

"Well see, maybe they just want to give you hug" He shakes his head chuckling.

"Yeah sure" I smile and kiss him again.


Hey. I love you :)

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