Bitting donuts

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Its been two days since our date, when we got back to the hotel I found Louis on the bed with the twins. They were all peacefully snoring so it would've been very rude to wake any of them up. So I had to sleep in Harry's room. I'm not complaining it was actually a very nice night. No, we didn't do anything more than sleep you dirty minded people. It was only for a couple of minutes anyways. We took a plane and flew away from LA, then the next day we took another plane and flew away from wherever we where. I would like to tell you I know where we are, but I have no freaking idea. So since it's been two days it means today's Monday. as far as I know magazines come out today so there should be some with me and Harry on the cover.

This morning the boys where taken away to make a few interviews and stuff like that, I think to record stuff too, I don't know. And I'm in the restaurant of the hotel trying to feed my kids, but you know they are kids. So they keep running around refusing to eat. It had been too good to last. You know, they behaving so well.

"Darcy come, just take a piece of pineapple" I tell her and she makes her way to me quickly taking a piece before running away again.

"Jack come over here" I say sweetly to the blonde little boy who is trying to steal a piece of bread from another table. "We also have donuts here" I say lifting up one from the bread basket in the middle of the table. He takes a bite from the one in his hand before placing it back on the basket and turning around to go after Darcy. I make my way to the table and pick up the bitten donut. I make my way back to my table eating the rest of the donut when I'm stopped be a girl. She has curly hair and light skin, she is wearing a One direction shirt and some jeans and she is holding a magazine. She looks like she is thirteen maybe fourteen.

"Can you sign it?" She asks and looks at me like if I was a  very famous pop singer. I nod, and she hands me her magazine with a marker. On the cover the biggest photo is one of me and Harry kissing outside the grey building and bellow it there's a tittle in red letters with hearts around that says "Harry Styles has a new girl?". I take the marker and make a random signature with my name and a heart besides it.

"Can I read it?" She nods and smiles. I flick through the pages until I find our article. It is basically a resume of what we did yesterday, with pictures and all. Since we left the grey building to our date at the beach. I hand her back her magazine and she smiles thanking me a couple of times before making her way to a table where a woman, who I guess is her mother, waits for her. I go back to my table. I look around and cant find my kids anywhere. That is until I turn around and find them smiling right behind me. They try to run away again but I catch them by the back of their shirts before they can even run two steps.

"Okay that's it, we're going out" They clap and turn around. I tell the waitress our room so she can charge the breakfast and take them both by their hands and we make our way to the entrance of the hotel. There's a guard outside and I tell him we want to go out. So he asks for the van and we wait. Harry told them to give me and the kids everything we asked for. That little bitch. He always liked to spoil me, I guess now it's easier, since he has much more money than what he had four years ago.

We get inside the van once it arrives and I ask the guard to take us to the park. We saw it while we where driving toward the hotel from the airport. It's not too far so in less than ten minutes we are already in front of it. As soon as I opened the door they both ran towards the games, with slides and swings and stuff for kids to climb and shit like that.

"I'll be around if you need me" The guard tells me and I nod before running behind my kids.


We spent some time in the park until they started complaining because they were thirsty, hungry and wanted to go to the bathroom so I went to the guard and he went to look for the van. So we are just waiting for him in the sidewalk when a girl slowly makes her way to me, kind of like if I was about to bite her. Eventually she is standing in front of me. I look up at her and smile. I swear she looks like if she is about to faint.

"Are- are you Harry's girl?" She asks me with big hopeful eyes. I nod warningly and she smiles big and lets out a small squeak. "Would you take a picture with me?"

"Sure" She takes out her phone and takes a picture of both of us. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to the park since the boys are doing umm famous people stuff?" She starts laughing lightly.

"You must be very nervous I'm not that funny" She smiles at me.

"I guess, I'm just excited to meet someone who has touched my favourite celebrities. Because lets face it, this is the closest I'll ever get to the boys" She says, a bit more relaxed now.

"Aww, come give me a hug" I open my arms for her and she wraps her arms around me. "Never give up on your dreams, they may come true" I tell her rubbing her back. She lets go and smiles big at me.

"Beth,come look at these!" Her friends yell from a few feet away from us.

"Sorry, I have to go"

"It was lovely meeting you Beth" She smiles before answering.

"You too, umm Becka" She says waving while she walks away. I wave back and look behind me to look at Darcy and Jack that run around just behind me.

As soon as the van parks in front of us I call the kids and we get inside. I tell the guard to take us to the nearest mall with a movie theatre. If the kids weren't excited enough five minutes ago, they are now.

"Mommy, can we wach spided man?" Jack asks me looking at me with big puppy dog eyes.

"That's exactly what we are watching baby" I say and ruffle his hair. Soon enough we get to the mall. I get us some pizza from the food court and we sit down at a table to eat.

During our meal two more girls came for pictures, of course I was nice to them and took the pictures. We just finished our food and making our way to the movie theatre. I buy our tickets and we watch the movie. Great movie, at least it kept them interested and quiet for most of the time. We get out of the mall and the guard drives us back to the hotel.

I'm not exhausted, I'm whatever comes after that. I'm carrying to kids in my arms and I might fall asleep any moment now. I finally get to our room and get in. I change the kids clothes to their PJ's and lay them in the bed. I don't even change to my PJ's I just lay in a massive shirt I found on the floor and my panties. I pull the extra blanket out of the closet and lay on the carpet floor with the blanket on top. Two minutes later I'm asleep.


Hey guys!

You've seen the Spiderman movie? Dane DeHaan (Harry Osborn) is fucking gorgeous. Gahhh! He's too beautiful.

The end of this chapter might be a bit lazy.... Ok the whole chapter might be a bit lazy, sorry. I was running out of ideas!

But the next will be better! I love you pinneapples! <3

Im pregnant with twins from Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now