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I sit on the sofa watching tv, I've been so tired the past few days I don't even want to move. I flick through the channels not really paying attention when some girl suddenly says One Direction, so I tiredly flick back until I find the channel and leave the remote on the bedside table.
"So yes, it's been confirmed that One Direction is putting their tour on hold, though the reasons are still unknown, many have the suspicion that it might have to do with Harry's and Becka's breakup"
"Wait, they broke up? When?"
"Well this is new for many people because the photos are just coming out but, about a month ago Becka was spotted in the airport with the mysterious kids alone, she took a plane back to London. Apparently none of the boys knew she was leaving, but it is more than obvious that Harry and her had a fight of some kind which made her leave."
"Wow, so there's a lot of drama surrounding the couple: the mysterious kids, the fight- now that I'm saying this out loud their fight might've had something to do with the kids"
I flick through a couple more channels not really wanting to hear the rumors anymore and stop in some random channel playing some random movie. I lay back on the couch taking in what the girl said about them putting the tour on hold. I close my eyes suddenly feeling nauseous and lay down on the couch.
"Ugh why am I so sick" I hear the door open and Darcy, Jack and Amanda come in through it. Amanda closes the door behind her in an attempt to keep the rain outside.
"Mommy look what I did" Jack says running to the couch and standing besides it in front of my face. He holds a drawing out for me and I take it from his hands. "This is me, this is Darcy, and this is you" he says pointing at the people drawn on the paper.
"And who's this?" I ask him pointing at the figure beside me.
"Oh yeah, that's daddy" I suppress the tears that suddenly want to make their way down my cheeks. "You can put it in the fridge" he says smiling. I sit up and hug him before he runs away with Darcy to our room.
I look down at the little person, with the brown curls and bight green eyes. A tear makes it's way down my face and I clean it with my sleeve.
"Hey should we have spaghetti for dinner or should we just order pizza?" Amanda asks from the kitchen but before I can answer Darcy and Jack both scream for pizza. Amanda pokes her head out of the kitchen to look at me.
"They do hear when I ask that but if it has something to do with chores they are both deaf" She argues. I laugh and she makes her way back into the kitchen to call for the pizza.
I start to get up to get a glass of water when there's a knock on the door. I open it and find a delivery boy with a bouquet of flowers. They surely are for Amanda. I smile sadly.
"Um, are you" he turns down to the papers in his hand and I'm about to say I'm not but that I'll receive them when he continues. "Becka Peppermint?" I look at him surprised.
"Yes, yes I am"
"Great, this are delivered to you. I need you to sign this please." He hands me a piece of paper and a pen and I sing it, then he hands me the flowers. "Thank you, have a good day" he smiles and then leaves. I look down at the flowers and turn around, I start to close the door when Greg runs in. He closes the door behind him and shakes the cold water from his hair before looking at me. He kisses my cheek and then looks at the flowers.
"Those are pretty, who gave them to you?"
"I don't know, it doesn't say"
"Hmm, a secret admirer" he shrugs and makes his way into the kitchen. "So what are we having for dinner woman?" I hear him ask Amanda.
"Don't call me woman, we're having pizza" she answers and then they start to argue about a spoon or something. but I'm too distracted by the little note that fell from the flowers. I sit on the couch and read what it says.
"Girl if I blew it, just tell me what I did let's work through it"
I look at it slightly confused I turn the card around and there's more writing there.
Tomorrow at ten , in our special place,


Of course it was Harry's handwriting, a bit shaky and clumsy but his anyway. But how did he send this to me if he doesn't know my address.
I make my way to the kitchen and find a vase to put the flowers in. I place them next to the window and lean on the sink. I close my eyes feeling nauseous again.
"Hey sweetie" I hear Greg says from the kitchen door. I open my eyes and look at him. "hey Becka I don't want to worry you but you worry me." I look at him confused and motion for him to continue. "My first assumption is that you may be" he makes a gesture with his hands like a ball around his stomach. "I'm basing myself on the fact that you've been feeling nauseous, tired, sensible, and just look at your boobs!" He exclaimed the last part holding his, like he had any. "And all of these were symptoms you had last time." He comes closer to me and holds my hands. "It's either that or you are sick with something weird and I really hope it's my first option."
"I'll take a test tomorrow" he smiles at me and there's a knock on the door.
"Must be the pizza, I'll go"
I finish washing the dishes and start moping the living room. I'm not going to stay here with my friends and not do anything for them. I left the test in the bathroom and I anxiously try to keep my mind off of my worrying. There's a knock on the door and leave my mop confused.
I open the door and there's no one but a box in the floor. I pick it up and close the door behind me. Inside the box is a beautiful black dress. There's a note on the top that says:
"Wear it tonight princess"
I don't need more than a second to know it's Harry's. I smile at it, it's beautiful.
I go to the room to hang the dress and go to the bathroom to check the test.
It's done...
This is longer than the last, so be happy.
I love you.
Happy new year, btw.
I'm just leaving you that drawing there because it is honestly amazing.

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