Drunk, deep dubiety

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When I arrived at Harry's two days later, the gate was opened automatically without me having to tell who I was by the gateway like I usually had to. 

I just simply said: "Hii, it's me!" and no one answered, the gate was just opened. I got nervous, Christ, I thought Harry was about to tell me off for something or even end things between us. Being someone who overanalyze everything can at times be rather exhausting. 

I knocked at the front door for the third time, a little bit harder. But I received no answer, though. I grabbed the door handle and it was open..?

As I stepped inside the house and found my way into the corridor, I heard male voices, unfamiliar male voices. My body jerked. Was he having a party or something? When I looked around, I saw a bunch of running shoes and decided they were all men's shoes. I hung my jacket on a peg and peeked into the house. 

As I walked further into it, I was greeted by a sitting room full of different lads in different lengths and sizes - all of them of course dressed in joggers, flat peaks and hoodies. One of them must have brought with him a giant plasma TV, it looked in any case very randomly placed in front of the sofas. And it hadn't been there the last time I visited Harry's house. 

They played FIFA and the green light lit up all the angles in the corner of the room. There were Red-Bull cans and beer bottles on the table and on the floor, no, everywhere. 

Without first noticing it, it then occurred to me that everyone was looking in my direction and stared at me. There I was, all dressed up, putting my black handbag on the floor with a bang (I didn't mean to, I wish I was a little more careful). I absolutely wasn't crabby of any kind, but surprised, I was. I'd never seen so many people in here, like.. ever. 

Suddenly Harry popped up from a sofa, he hadn't seen me coming as he was wrestling with someone on the floor over there. 

"Billie!" he shouted excitedly and crawled up to walk over to me. I managed to offer him a convincing nice smile. 

"Wow, you do look lovely. Erm, so.. Is this alright?" He pointed with his thumb over his shoulder. I nodded and answered: "Yeah, yeah! 'Course."

Harry smiled: "We've planned this live stream thing, and- no, I told you about it, didn't I?"

"Eeerm, noo? You didn't, but it's fine!" I said and emphasized it with a nod.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I really thought I told you. But stay, please, everyone's said they were leaving already about eleven..." 

He checked the time on his wristwatch.

"And noooow iiit's... f-five o'clock." he said in a declining tone. I nodded again, then leaned my body slowly to the right and looked at the squad of boys. I tried my best to smile as sweetly as I could. 

"So, w-would you like me to go out to grab some food or somethin'..?" I asked, putting my front teeth on my lower lip. 

"No, no, no! It's fine. We're orderin' some pizza. Y'know.. Pizza! Yummy, yummy!" he said, slurring his words. He made a wave with his right arm. 

"H-Harry?" I smiled and studied his green eyes that were blank.

"How much have you been drinkin'?" I continued when I saw him glance at me with heavy eyelids questioning.

"Just a couple of beers..! Oh, there's loads for you too. Pip has brought quite the lot!"

I sighed out a laugh through my nose and repeated quietly: "Pip.."

"Yeah! Oh, yeah! Wo-would - no, come 'ere, you must - you have to.. You have to meet them!" he said eagerly and smiled as he lead me over to the sofas before I could answer. 

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