You want to travel blind

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I enjoyed standing there with Harry - feeling all lovestruck again, but it didn't take long before he wanted to return to the others. And I didn't even realize why, but for some ridiculous reason we actually ran.

Or, well, I was more or less jogging - but Harry ran with his upper body leaning forward like a ski jumper or like he was magnetically drawn to the group of rugby players over there.

And.. And he laughed in a way I rarely heard - he was sort of... half laughing half hiccuping..? I have no idea why I found myself laughing so hard because of his manic guffawing, but suddenly I could not stop.

Now, I won't come here and say I was an experienced team player - far from it. But I did play some football when I was younger. So I actually joined their rugby-goofing-around-thing without really understanding anything at all. And my speculations about my nearly-there athletic skills were confirmed.

Niall was on the same team as me, Harry on the opposite. Niall and I lined up in a scrimmage with some others and I actually had to look away as Harry stared me down. He tried to seem all threatening, and I got so, so awkward.

My maxi dress was a problem, too, though, but I turned the slit to the side of it and tied up the ends of the slit into a knot. By wearing it this way, it would be easier to move around and to.. run (-ish).

As we were playing, I must have been screaming louder than Harry every time a horde of huge men with ferocity in their eyes came running in my direction. And I thought.. Like, when you're a child, you don't mind where you are, as long as there's a beach to play on, a ball to throw around or a pool to swim in. And that's exactly how it felt. I was a child again.

"Flash 'em, Billie, flash 'em!" one of their sound techs (Sam) yelled, attempting to sound desperate. I got that he was simply teasing Harry, though.

"I can't, Sam!" I yelled back at him, as I bent down and tied the knot of my dress tighter.

"I'm wearing a dress! You flash 'em!"

And Sam did just that, and revealed a very hairy chest and a big belly that made everyone laugh.

At one point Niall was kind enough to hike the ball to me and I shrieked. I did reach out to catch the pass, though, however Harry intercepted. He did a little pivot dance to get around me and snapped the ball out of my hands. I froze - gaping.

"Youuu little..! So now you can play, huh?!" I teased and Harry chuckled.

I mimicked him and that little dance move of his (perhaps overdoing it a bit), thinking this was the best way for me to get revenge.

Of course I was wrong. That dance of mine caused Harry to simply drop the ball. Then he sent me a look telling me to run for my life.

For a moment there I was genuinely scared - I thought he was going to throw me to the ground. Far from the others, we ran. He caught me as I tried to push him violently away like they do playing real rugby, but he was unluckily stronger than me and he picked me up bridal style in one swift motion.

Harry looked at me and pouted, mirroring my sour look, once I was back on both feet by the others again. I gently hit him in the balls, but hard enough to make him swear and slap my bum in response.

"'K, everybody! I'll have to stop you there! We're leaving!" one of the men from the staff announced.

He came out of nowhere - and for some reason I got this feeling people would pretend they hadn't heard him and just continue to play. But, no, everyone obeyed. Perhaps I was the only one absolutely loving this fun time-off, then.

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