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BBY = Before The Battle of Yavin (The battle of The First Death Star in A New Hope)


~49 BBY~

Jade -

"The heart of a lightsaber, the crystal is." Master Yoda began. Yoda and the rest of the class sat crisscrossed on the stone floor. The lights were shut off with the exception of a small little spotlight above Master Yoda himself.

Pieces of a future lightsaber sat around him. Jade could only name a few, but as far as she was concerned she was ahead of the class. Excluding Obi-Wan who had never caught her eye in any way, shape or form.

"Without your will in the Force, your lightsaber... useless, it will be." Master Yoda spoke. His voice soft and calm as he closed his eyes in deep thought.

Jade watched him with curiosity as he raised his hands ever so slightly, the mechanical pieces of the lightsaber rising with them. They circled around him with the green illuminating crystal in the direct middle. As he slowly, but surely pushed them together, all the pieces fit together amazingly, completing the perfect puzzle. 

The little clicks of the metal parts connecting together rang throughout the quiet room and into Jade's ears as Master Yoda twisted and turned the pieces so they'd fit flawlessly together. As he finished, Jade looked down at the training lightsaber in her lap. It had looked so real to her but now that she was seeing the actual, real, thing being built the little lightsaber in her lap hadn't looked so real anymore.

Once the clicking stopped, Jade's head rose to see what Master Yoda had created. The hilt had silver and gold metal designs, he had created the first type of lightsaber. Flat, but durable and light. 

Master Yoda stood up, and so did the rest of the class. He wielded the lightsaber with both of his hands which still wasn't enough to take up most of the room on the hilt. He pressed the button and with a small whirring noise the green blade grew to about three feet in length.

Almost everybody's jaw dropped. It was breathtaking, a light shade of green, brightening up almost the entire room with its light. Part of Jade wanted to go out and touch it but the better part of her knew that that was a bad idea.

Master Yoda pressed the button again and the blade disappeared. He walked around the room studying the children's reactions. Everyone could tell he was stalling to find the right words to say, he was very meticulous about his word choice. 

"Your life, your lightsaber defends. Without one, what are you?" He continued to walk around the room. He walked passed Jade as he spoke out to the class once more, "Where I leave no instruction with you first, is the creation of your lightsaber. On your own, you must do this."

Once again, everybody's jaw had dropped... Except Jade's. She knew exactly what she was going to do, how she was going to do it, and more. Jade had a lot of confidence in herself with this mission.

Master Yoda spoke again, "All be here, the supplies you need will, for the crystal you need except. Since they are on this planet not, contact a Jedi Knight to take you to a different one, you must."

Jade translated the riddles he spoke in, in her head. The crystal that she needed to finish her lightsaber is on a different planet. Therefore, she had to ask an older Jedi to take her to a different planet. Jade was practically jumping up and down with excitement.

Master Yoda opened his mouth to speak, closing it again, then opening it to speak once more, "Start, you may. May the force be with you."

The children all bowed to him. Jade waited patiently while the other kids went out the door. Jade had noticed Obi-wan had gone to ask Master Yoda a question, but she didn't mind it. She went straight to the library database in the Temple where you could find out anything you needed to know.

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