20. Visions

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~32 BBY~

Jade -

I quickly came across the spot where the people were hiding out while they planned things. I had gotten past the blockade easily, they asked me who I was and I told them I had come to give the Trader Federation leaders a message. They stupidly let me through, it was stupid because I was going to be one of the main people that takes Theed back.

Unless I died, which was unlikely. I landed in the flat grass and walked over to where a speeder was parked. Obi-wan, Qui-gon, Padmé and her captain all stood around, waiting for the Gungan leader to walk over so they could begin the briefing.

"Sorry I'm late." I joked. "You guys miss me?" 

Qui-gon rolled his eyes, "Definitely didn't miss your jokes." He replied in a joking manner.

I smiled and laughed a bit. 

Padmé laughed along with Obi-wan before becoming serious again as the Gungan leader came over. "What's the situation?" She asked the Captain.

I had known Padmé was the queen, she told me a while ago while we were in Mos Espa in case someone had tried to kill the handmaidens as well.

"Almost everyone's in camps, a few hundred police and guards have formed and underground resistance movement, I brought back as many of the leaders as I could. the Federation army is also much larger than we thought, and much stronger." The Captain told us, he then turned to Padmé, "Your highness, this is a battle I do not think we can win."

"Have a little optimism Captain, you have three Jedi on your team. In my experience, each Jedi is worth over a hundred droids that don't even have brains." I said, looking at the map on the hood of the speeder.

Padmé smiled once again, "Plus, the battle is only a diversion, the gungans must draw the droid army away from the cities, we can enter the city through the secret passages through the waterfall side, once we get to the main entrance, Captain Panaka will create a diversion, then, we can enter the palace and capture the Viceroy. Without the Viceroy, they will be lost and confused. What do you think, Master Jedi?" Padmé then turned towards us.

"The Viceroy will be well guarded." Qui-Gon said.

"The difficulty will be getting inside the Throne Room, once were inside, it shouldn't be a problem." Captain Panaka said.

"There is a possibility that... With this diversion, many Gungans will be killed." Qui-Gon then said, making sure to address every problem.

"West ready to do oursan part." The Gungan leader spoke.

"We have a plan to immobilize the droid army, we will send out what pilots we have to knock out the droid control ship orbiting the planet." Padmé says, we all look at Qui-gon to see if he has any more problems.

"A well conceived plan," He paused and I knew he was going to say something else, "However, there's great risk, the weapons on your fighters may not penetrate the shields."

"There's an even bigger danger, if the Viceroy escapes your highness, he will return with another droid army." Obi-wan then said.

"Well, that's why we must not fail to get the Viceroy." I responded for Padmé, "I think it's a good well, though out plan." I added.

Anakin gave an uneasy look as we started to prepare to take back the city. As it started to get earlier in the morning, a large amount of fog settle in where the battle was going to be taking place. 

"Your highness, it's time to get moving." I told Padmé.

She nodded and we set out for the city of Theed. As we did, we could see the Gungan army moving in to attack as we ran up the hill. The army was quite larger than I thought it was which made me smirk. We were so going to win this.

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